Objectives: This module will help the student
(i) Understand what is critical thinking and its benefits.
(ii) Understand
the barriers to critical thinking.
(iii) Learn the features
of an argument.
(iv) Get acquainted with
social influences on critical thinking.
Critical thinking
Critical thinking is a rich concept that
has been developing throughout the past 2500 years. The term "critical thinking" has
its roots in the mid-late 20th century. Critical thinking is self-guided, self-disciplined thinking which
attempts to reason at the highest level of quality in a fair-minded way. People who think critically and consistently,
attempt to live rationally, reasonably
and empathically. The National Council For Excellence in Critical
Thinking defines it as an intellectually disciplined process of actively
and skillfully conceptualizing, applying,
analyzing, synthesizing, and/or evaluating information gathered from, or
generated by observation, experience, reflection, reasoning, or communication,
as a guide to belief and action.
Critical thinking enables us to analyse and
evaluate information to identify justifiable
reason or evidence for doing something or for not doing something,
justifications for believing something or for not believing something. Whenever
we ask for reasons for any of our actions, we are thinking critically.
Developing a questioning attitude is essential for a critical thinker which is
self directed as well as directed towards others.
Benefits of critical thinking
The quality of our life and that of what we
produce depends on our thought. Critical
thinking helps us to improve the quality and reliability of our thinking
process, which in turn will result in a better way of living. The following are
some of the major benefits of critical thinking
• It
helps us to become a wise person.
• To
come up with a judicious evaluation of events.
• To
develop a sense of intellectual integrity.
• To
become accurate precise and clear.
• To
develop a relevant, deep, broad and logical attitude in understanding and
handling different situations.
• To
develop a special strength of mind, liberal and free from biases and
• To
become a good decision maker.
• To
become rational.
• To
follow certain standards of reflective thinking.
• To
identify and to focus on the relevant aspects of an issue.
• To
become reasonable.
• To
act rationally rather than emotionally.
• In
academic matters it helps students to learn, evaluate and understand the
subject matter in a more judicious way.
Barriers to Critical thinking
1. Social brainwashing and our view of the world
An individual develops
his understanding of the world from his own surroundings and from his society.
There he comes under the influence of many factors like his parents, teachers,
friends, as well as print and electronic media which are not always unbiased.
Such influences prevent free thinking.
2. Tendencies to think in binaries
The common
human tendency is to judge everything in binaries, like good or bad,
just or unjust etc. Doing this often leads to bad theories.
3. Fears regarding free thinking
The fear of voicing a new opinion stems
from the fear of making mistakes or of
making a fool of oneself. This
results in following the path of others, in spite of the realisation that this is wrong. Many of our
societies as well as our traditional educational systems discourage free thinking. To overcome
this a critic needs self-will to express what he thinks is right.
4. Personal interests and personal experiences
We often tend to judge and evaluate ideas and situations based on
our social and emotional commitment,
individual interest and past experiences. This prevents rational, objective and critical analysis of issues.
5. Pride and egocentrism (self-centered thinking)
people consider themselves as the greatest and the most powerful of all
the others. They are egocentric and they
consider themselves as the centre of the universe. Such people stick to their
own perspective and fail to appreciate
alternate ways of looking at things.
6. Sociocentrism or ethnocentrism (group/society/cultural-centered thinking)
Following the thought patterns common to a group, society or culture as
well as thinking in favour of a particular group or community without judging
its credibility is a barrier to critical thinking.
7. Fear of change or an unwillingness to change
people are afraid or unwilling to change their views which makes them reluctant to conduct critical thinking.
8. Bias and prejudice
Personal prejudices as well as biases create problems in thinking
objectively and critically
9. Narrow-mindedness or close-mindedness
We need an
open and liberal state of mind ready to receive new ideas and to admit positive
criticism to follow critical thinking.
10. Wishful thinking
to think and believe what one wishes as true discourages a person from thinking
11. Poor reading and comprehension skills, poor or dysfunctional communication skills
Lack of proper
reading, inability to understand as well as poor communication skills have an
adverse effect on critical thinking.
In critical thinking we are
trying to find out reasons or evidence for all our activities. It is related to logic. Hence arguments form the basis of critical
thinking. An argument is an attempt to persuade by giving good reasons. While
arguing we are trying to provide supporting evidence or justification in
support of what we do and what we believe.
Difference between argument and opinion
An argument is always supported or
backed by reason or evidence. It is an attempt
to give rational justifications for whatever we do or believe. An argument is a product of rational deliberation, whereas an
opinion is not supported by evidence or reason.
It is just a passing comment on something. For instance consider the following
1. The
new method of teaching is better than the previous one.
2. The
new method of teaching is better than the previous one because it helps students to score better marks
Here the first statement is an opinion since
it is not supported by evidence to prove the statement. The second statement,
on the other hand, is an argument because it is backed by evidence to prove the claim. Most often, we
form opinions after rational
deliberation and hence they are based on arguments.
Recognising an argument/ Features of an argument
Each argument is
composed of premises (this is a term
for statements that express your reasons
or evidence) that are arranged in the right way to support your conclusion (the main claim or
interpretation you are offering). Following are the main features that will
help you recognise an argument
• An
argument is a string of statements.
• The
statements are to be related.
• The
relation should be such that a few of the statements give support to one main
• The
supporting statements are called premises.
They are the evidence or justifications given to support the major
• The
major claim or supported statement is called conclusion. The words ‘therefore’ ‘so’ are used for this.
For example: All malayalees are highly educated.
Veena is a
So, she is highly
this example we have a group of related statements. The first two statements
support the major claim that we want to prove. The first two statements are
premises given in support of the final statement which is the conclusion.
You can make your arguments stronger by
1. Using
good premises (ones you have good reason to believe are both true and relevant
to the issue at hand),
2. Making
sure your premises provide good support for your conclusion (and not some other
conclusion, or no conclusion at all),
3. Checking
that you have addressed the most important or relevant aspects of the issue
(that is, that your premises and conclusion focus on what is really important
to the issue you're arguing about), and
4. Not
making claims that are so strong or sweeping that you can't really support
Indicator words
A proper understanding of arguments
depends upon the recognition of the premises and conclusions of an argument.
Hence we use certain words in arguments to indicate premises and conclusions.
There are different indicator words for premises and for conclusions.
Indicator words for premises:
• Since
• Because
• For etc
Indicator words for conclusions:
• Therefore
• Thus
• So
• Hence
Evaluating an argument
We evaluate an argument based on two
criteria. They are
1. Logical content: Every argument is an
attempt at establishing a claim on the basis of
other claims. The logical
content of an argument refers to this logical structure of an argument which makes it a good argument. It
ensures the validity of an argument. In a
valid argument, true premises will lead to true conclusions. This is one
of the most important concepts of an argument.
2. Truth content: Truth content makes an
argument a sound argument. When we ask whether the evidence given in support of
the conclusion is true, we are considering the truth content of an argument.
For example, consider the
following argument
Amitabh Bachchan is the father of Abhishek Bachchan.
Karishma Kapoor is the wife of Abhishek Bachan.
So, Amithab Bachchan is the father-in-law of Karishma
This argument is a valid argument since it
has all the features of an argument or the logical structure of an argument.
This is a good argument, but not a sound argument since it lacks truth content.
The premises given in support of the conclusion are not true. Hence this cannot
be accepted. Now consider another
Amithab Bachan is the father of Abhishek Bachan.
Aiswarya Rai is the wife of Abhishek Bachan.
So, Amithab Bachan is the father-in-law of Aiswarya Rai.
This is a sound argument since it has logical content as
well as truth content.
Types of arguments
There are mainly two types of arguments. They are
• Deductive argument: A deductive argument is
‘an inference in which it is asserted that the conclusion is guaranteed to be
true if the premises are true.’ A deductive argument is an argument such that the premises provide (or
appear to provide) complete support for the
1: All American cats are domestic house cats.
Premise 2: Bill is an American
Conclusion: So, Bill is a domestic house cat.
• Inductive argument: An inductive argument
is an inference in which the conclusion has
only a high probability of being true if the premises are true. An
inductive argument is an argument such
that the premises provide (or appear to provide) some degree of support (but
less than complete support) for the conclusion.
1: Most American cats are domestic house cats.
Premise 2: Bill is an American
Conclusion: So, Bill is a
domestic house cat.
A fallacy is, very
generally, an error in reasoning. These are elements that show how we may go
wrong in our arguments. Fallacies are statements that may sound reasonable or superficially true but are actually flawed or
dishonest. There are factual fallacies and logical fallacies. A factual fallacy is one in which we go wrong about the facts. A logical fallacy is an
"argument" in which the premises given for the conclusion do not
provide the needed degree of logical
support. Logical fallacies can be classified as
either formal or informal. A formal
fallacy is an error in logic
that can be seen in the argument's form without an understanding of the argument's content. Formal
fallacies suffer from logical errors in the structure or in the form of the
argument. A
formal fallacy can be detected by examining the logical form of the reasoning.
An informal fallacy depends upon the
content of the reasoning and possibly the purpose of the reasoning. There may
be errors in the use of language that leads to informal fallacies. It is important to avoid
them in your own arguments, and it is also important to be able to spot them in
others' arguments so that a false line of reasoning won't fool you. Informal
fallacies are of the following kinds:
1. Fallacy of Ambiguity: These errors occur
with ambiguous or confusing words or
phrases, the meanings of which shift and change in the course of
discussion. Fallacy of ambiguity can be
classified as follows:
• Equivocation: When we use the same word or phrase in
different senses within one line of argument, we commit the fallacy of
equivocation. This is a lexical (related
to the use of words) ambiguity. Consider this example: “Plato says the end of a
thing is its perfection; I say that death is the end of life; hence, death is
the perfection of life.” Here the word end means "goal" in Plato's
usage, but it means "last event" or "termination" in the
second usage.
Example: All heavy
things have a great mass.
Jim has a heavy heart.
Therefore Jim's heart has great mass.
In this example, ‘heavy’ has two different senses, weight
and feeling sad.
• Amphiboly: (from the Greek word
"indeterminate"): This fallacy results from wrong grammatical
construction. This is a syntactic(structural) ambiguity. For example the position of the adverb
"only" in a sentence starting with "He only said that"
results in a sentence in which it is uncertain as to which of the other three
words the speaker is trying to modify with the adverb ‘only’.
Example: Save water and waste
In this example
grammatical function of the word ‘waste’ (verb or adjective) causes ambiguity.
Composition: The
fallacy of composition is committed when a conclusion is drawn about a whole
based on the features of its constituents without any justification. Here we
attribute the features of the parts to the whole thing.
Example: Sodium and Chloride are dangerous to human
Therefore, its combination Sodium Chloride (salt) is also
• Division:
The fallacy of division is committed when a person infers that what is
true of a whole must also be true of its constituents without any
justification. Here we attribute the features of the whole thing to its parts.
Example: Sodium chloride (table salt) may
be safely eaten.
Therefore its constituent elements, sodium and chloride,
may be safely eaten.
• Emphasis: It occurs when we give incorrect emphasis to words in the
premise to conclude the desired
conclusion. Here we shift the emphasis to ones own benefit.
Example: Mother: You spilled the coffee on the carpet.
Daughter: I spilled the coffee?
Mother: There you are. You admit it.
In this argument the mother is committing the fallacy of
emphasis by shifting the emphasis of the
daughter’s statement, which was actually a question through which the daughter
was trying to deny the charge against her. She took it not as a question, but as a statement of agreement.
• The Straw Man fallacy: It is committed when a person simply ignores a person's actual position and substitutes a
distorted, exaggerated or misrepresented
version of that position. It is an informal fallacy based on
misrepresentation of an opponent's
Example: Person A claims: Sunny days are good.
Person B: If all days were sunny, we'd never have rain,
and without rain, we'd have famine and
death. Therefore, you are wrong.
In this example, B has falsely framed A's claim to imply
that A says that only sunny days are good, and has argued against
that assertion instead of the assertion A has made
• Red herring: This happens when a
speaker attempts to divert the attention of an
audience by deviating from the topic at hand by introducing a separate
argument irrelevant to the topic under
discussion, which the speaker believes will be easier to speak.
Example: We have to concentrate more on the current
fashion trends, because global warming is threatening our existence.
In this argument, the speaker
has introduced a different topic as his conclusion which has nothing to do with
the main topic under discussion.
2. Fallacy of Unwarranted Assumption: This occurs when we give premises that
are not completely justifiable or conclusion that is not properly supported.
This is classified under the following titles:
• Begging the question: Begging the
Question is a fallacy in which the premises
include the claim that the conclusion is true or (directly or
indirectly) assume that the conclusion is true. It demonstrates a conclusion by
means of premises that assume that
Example: Tobacco chewing causes oral cancer, because there
is a causal relation between tobacco and
In this example, the premise assumes the conclusion.
• Complex question: This fallacy occurs when we ask a
question based on a hidden assumption
which is not properly justified or proven.
Example: When a lawyer asks the witness “have you stopped
lying?”, his question is based on his hidden belief that the witness used to
lie which is not properly proven.
• Hasty Generalisation: In this fallacy, we are making a
generalisation based on one or two instances or basing a broad conclusion on a
small sample. It argues from a special case to a general rule.
Example : Every person I've met speaks English, so it must
be true that all people speak English.
In this argument, the conclusion that all people speak
English is based on the experience of meeting a few people who speak English.
• Biased sample: This fallacy is committed
when a person draws a conclusion about a population based on a sample that is
biased or prejudiced in some manner. Here we choose samples that are sure to
conform to the conclusion we want to make. It has the following form:
1. Sample S, which is biased, is taken from
population P. 2. Conclusion C is
drawn about Population P based on S.
Example: A study taken in Kerala shows that they have high
literacy rate among women. Therefore, in
India we have high literacy rate among women.
In this argument the sample taken is biased because it
does not represent the entire Indian
women population.
• Dicto Simpliciter (Unqualified generalisation): When
we make a generalization that
disregards exceptions we are committing the fallacy of Dicto Simpliciter. Here we are not qualifying the
generalisation by excluding the exceptions.
Example: Cutting people is a crime. Surgeons cut people's
diaphragms. Therefore, surgeons are criminals.
This argument is fallacious
because cutting people is only sometimes a crime, not always.
False Cause:
it happens when we consider something to be the cause of something else when there are other real
reasons to consider.
Example: Srinath lost his job because he forgot to fast on
This is a wrong argument because forgetting to fast is not
a real cause for losing a job.
• Coincidence: In this we are considering an
accidental or coincidental connection
between two incidents as an evidence for a strict causal relation
between the two.
Example: The Astrologer predicted that I will get a job
when I am twenty five and that I will get married when I am twenty eight.
I got a job when I was twenty five.
So, I will get married when I am twenty eight.
• Post hoc ergo propter hoc fallacy (After this,
therefore because of this): Suppose we notice that an event of kind A is
followed in time by an event of kind B, and then we make the conclusion that A
caused B. If so, we commit the post hoc fallacy. In this we are assuming that
the event B occurred after the event A, therefore B occurred because of A.
Example: This
morning I forgot to take my umbrella.(event A)
There was heavy rain in the evening. (event B)
It rained today because I forgot to take my umbrella. (B
occurred after A, Therefore B occurred because of A).
• Common Cause Fallacy: It occurs when we
take an event A to be the cause of the event B, when both A and B are the
results of a common cause C. This fallacy is
committed when it is concluded that one thing causes another simply
because they are regularly associated.
Example: I had high temperature when I woke up in the
morning (A).
Now I have rashes on my body (B).
Therefore temperature is the cause for the rashes.( but
actually temperature and rashes Are the results of a viral infection(C).
fallacy: This fallacy gets its name from the gambler’s
belief that if a person has lost many games, he will win the next time. The
Gambler's Fallacy is committed
when a person assumes that the
repeated occurrence of an event that
departs from what is expected shows that it will be corrected soon. The
form of the fallacy is as follows:
X has happened.
X departs from what is expected to occur.
Therefore, X will come to an end soon.
Example: I had applied for this job twice.
I was not selected.
So, this time I am going to get selected.
• Slippery slope: This fallacy occurs when
someone argues that the event Y will
inevitably follow if the event X occurs without any evidence to prove
this inevitability.
Example. The university has decided to raise the
examination fee.
If this happens , they will definitely raise the semester
• Fallacy of false dichotomy( false dilemma): It
happens when two alternative
statements are held to be the only possible options, when in reality there are
more. Here we assume that either the claim X is true or the claim Y is true (when X and Y could both
be false). This has the form:
Claim Y is false.
Therefore claim X is true.
Example: Either 1+1=4 or 1+1=12.
It is not the case that 1+1=4.
Therefore 1+1=12.
The Fallacy
of Relevance: These fallacies appeal to evidence or
examples that are not relevant to the argument at hand. When we give irrelevant
details as premises we commit the
fallacy of relevance. Following are the different types of fallacies of relevance:
ad verecundiam (Appeal to inappropriate authority): This fallacy occurs when we take the words of a
person lacking authority in a particular area as an evidence to accept a
conclusion. An appeal to an improper
authority, such as a famous person or a source that may not be reliable leads
to this fallacy. For example, to cite Einstein to settle an argument about
education or economics is fallacious. To cite Darwin, an authority on biology,
on religious matters is fallacious.
Example: The moon is covered
with dust because our student’s association president said so.
Ad hominem: This means "against the man" or "against the
person."An Ad Hominem is a general category of fallacies in which a claim
or argument is rejected on the basis of some irrelevant fact about the person
or because we are biased against the person
presenting the claim or argument even if he has the authority to present
that claim. This is an exact mirror image of argumentum ad verecundiam.
Example: We should not accept
what Max Muller said about India because he is a foreigner.
• Tu Quoque (look who’s talking fallacy): This fallacy is
committed when it is concluded that a
person's claim is false because it is inconsistent with something else he has
said or what a person says is inconsistent with her actions. This type of "argument" has the following form:
Person A makes claim X.
Person B asserts that A's actions or past claims are
inconsistent with the truth of claim
Therefore X is false.
Example: John says that smoking is bad for health.
But he is a chain smoker.
So, what he said is wrong.
sequitur: it means ‘does not follow’. When the conclusion does not
naturally follow from the premises we
have non sequitur fallacy. All the formal fallacies are non sequitur fallacies.
Example: Nuclear disarmament is
a risk.
But everything in life, like driving a car, involves
a risk. So, you should be willing to
have nuclear disarmament.
fallacy: This is a kind of non sequoitur fallacy in which we
consider God as responsible for something which we cannot explain.
ad Populum (appeal to emotion): This is an
argument in which we try to persuade someone or make someone accept our
conclusion by appealing to his emotions. In such arguments we are concerned
with emotions, not with reason.
Example: You should buy me a mobile phone because it shows
your love for me.
¾ Argumentum ad Misericordiam (appeal to pity): The
appeal to pity takes place when an arguer tries to get people to accept a
conclusion by making them feel sorry for someone.
Example: "I know the exam
is graded based on performance, but you should give me an A. My cat has been
sick, my car broke down, and I've had a cold, so it was really hard for me to
¾ Argumentum ad Baculum (appeal to Force): This
argument uses force, the threat of force, or some other unpleasant methods to
make the audience accept a conclusion. Example: You better give me this job or
else you will get into trouble because I am the son of the local MLA.
¾ Argumentum ad Traditio (appeal to tradition): Appeal
to Tradition is a fallacy that occurs when it is assumed that something is
better or correct simply because it is older, traditional, or "always has
been done." This sort of "reasoning" has the following form:
X is old or traditional.
Therefore X is correct or better.
Example: Sure I believe in God. People have believed in
God for thousands of years so it seems clear that God exists. After all, why else would the belief last so
¾ Argumentum ad ignoratiam (inference from ignorance): The
fallacy of appeal to ignorance comes in two forms: (1) Not knowing that a
certain statement is true is taken to be
a proof that it is false. (2) Not knowing that a statement is false is taken to
be a proof that it is true.
Example: Nobody has ever proved
to me there’s a God, so I know there is no God.
¾ Ignoratio Elenchi (irrelevant conclusion): It
occurs when we give evidence that is not relevant to the conclusion that want
to derive.
Example: If parents are working,
they won’t be able to give care to their children.
So, mothers should stop working.
Social Influences on Critical Thinking
Social classes, gender and various
social issues like inequality, dominant ideology, discrimination etc influence the way an
individual thinks critically. In a society, where repression prevails, its
quite difficult for a person to come up with rational arguments. Argumentation
in a political context requires freedom and equality where individuals can participate
freely and actively. According to the
German sociologist and philosopher Habermas, in order to escape from certain
notions regarding class and gender while thinking, three things need to be kept
in mind.
They are:
1. First,
at the logical level, one must come up with consistent arguments and avoid contradicting one’s own arguments.
2. Second,
at the dialogical or procedural level every argument should be considered as
a hypothesis and try to analyse their
validity and relevance objectively by keeping aside our personal perspective.
3. Third,
at the rhetoric or process level we must prevent repression and
inequality. Many social discourses and traits may influence
free objective thinking.
Persuasive Discourses
All human actions are
motivated by personal dreams and desires.
We want to make the maximum use of a situation for personal benefit. We
are prejudiced in our own favour.
Perssuasion or argumentative discourse also is at times used for this.
There are mainly three types of persuasive discourses. They are:
1. Deliberative: This attempts to persuade
someone to do something which he would not do or to accept a claim which he
would not accept. This is rooted in fear and is concerned with the future.
Example: If you do not submit your assignment, you will
fail in your internal assessment.
2. Forensic: This is concerned with the past in
which we seek to defend or condemn our
actions or beliefs.
Example: Caesar was not ambitious because he had refused
the crown thrice.
3. Ceremonial: here we celebrate or reject
something related to the present.
Example: Kerala is the best tourist destination because it
has a good weather.
Living in accordance
with genuine universal standards of morality is different from creating an illusion of moral standards.
While conforming to such moral values one must be able to distinguish between false
morality or religious conformity which appeal to the emotions for genuine moral integrity.
Bias and prejudice are
natural human traits. This leads to
problems. This leads to problems in thinking rationally and objectively. A good deal of prejudices are the products of
our emotional activities. (A desire to get what one wants, fear, a natural wish
to be accepted by friends and peer group and other similar emotions make us
prejudiced). Instructional programmes aimed at
developing critical thinking skills will help a person in handling the
problems of bias and prejudice. Present instructional programmes that develop
thinking skills consider human mind as an empty container into which knowledge
can be filled. It concentrates only on
the development of intellectual operations in the form of measurable
performances. But the instructional
programmes based on critical thinking skills help a person to develop as
a rational being capable of seeing things and understanding them critically.
Critical thinking skills help in developing both the cognitive ( related to
information processing and thinking) as well as the affective (related to the
experience of a feeling or emotion) dimensions of personality as whereas
thinking skills ignore the affective side. When it is not possible to be free
from prejudices, one must be able to detect the presence of prejudices to
become a better person. Critical
thinking helps in achieving this.
I. Objective Questions
1. When we ask for justifications, we are
critically b) emotionally c) foolishly d) academically
Answer: Critically
2. Critical thinking is based on
emotion b) science c) reason d) philosophy
Answer: Reason
3……………is not a barrier to critical thinking
a) egocentrism b)
thinking in binaries
c) self will to express ones
arguments d) social influence Answer:
self will to express ones arguments
4. Since
is an indicator word for ……………..
Answer: Premise
5. The
supported statements of an argument is called
Answer: conclusion
6. Logical
content ensures the……………… of an argument.
Answer: Validity.
7. Then
truth of the conclusion is guaranteed in
argument b)
deductive argument
fallacies d)
inductive argument
Answer: deductive argument.
When we go wrong factually in an argument ,we have……………..
logical fallacies b) ambiguity c)
factual fallacy d) error
Answer: Factual falacy 9…………
a syntactic fallacy Answer: amphiboly.
10. Informal
fallacies are classified into…………
Answer: Three
All the formal fallacies belong to the group of
nonsequitar fallacy b) equivocation c)
persuasion d) begging the question
Answer: Non sequitar fallacy
12. Deliberative persuasion is associated with the
a)past b)future c)present
Answer: future
Short answer questions
1. What
is meant by critical thinking?
2. How
is egocentrism a barrier to critical thinking?
3. What
is an argument?
4. What
is the difference between argument and opinion?
5. Define
deductive argument?
6. What
is inductive argument?
7. What
are the measures used for evaluating an argument?
8. What
are the features of an argument?
9. What
are fallacies?
10. What
is meant by fallacy of ambiguity?
11. What
is amphiboly?
12. Explain
post hoc ergo propter hoc fallacy.
13. What
is argumentum ad misericordiam?
14. Explain
forensic persuasion.
15. What
is the benefit of introducing instructional programmes based on critical
thinking skills?
16. What
are indicator words?
17. What
are premises and conclusions?
II. Short paragraph
1. Arguments
2. Types
of arguments
3. Evaluation
of arguments
4. Fallacies
5. Fallacy
of ambiguity
6. Fallacy
of unwarranted assumption
7. Fallacy
of relevance
8. Prejudice
9. Different
types of persuasions
III. Essay
1. What
is critical thinking? What are the benefits of critical thinking?
2. What
are the barriers to critical thinking?
3. Write
an essay on fallacies
Objectives: This module will
enable the student
learn the language of critical thinking.
the characteristics of critical discourses.
Characteristics of Critical and Analytical Writing
Standards of critical
thinking are the measures based on which we asses whether a person’s thinking
process is critical or not. Based on these benchmarks we judge the quality of a
person’s thinking process. The following are the criteria for critical thinking:
¾ Clarity (Avoidance of vagueness)
The most essential feature of
critical thinking is the ability to communicate, in speaking or in writing,
what we think with clarity. Being clear is necessary for effective communication. Vague or obscure expression of
thought prevents proper communication. To attain clarity, we must have
• A
sense of the audience: An awareness of whom we are going to address helps us
in choosing the right language and the
right method for communicating our ideas clearly
• Context
clarity: The context in which we present our topic is also a decisive factor in
achieving clarity
• Conceptual
clarity: This is one of the most
important requirements in achieving clarity. Only when we are clear about what
we are going to say, will we be able to present it clearly.
So a proper understanding of the concept or the topic results in
Clarity must be attained in two
ways. First we must be clear about what we are going to say. Second we must use
a suitable method so that we are able to communicate our ideas to our audience.
To attain clarity
• We
must understand and present the topic clearly
• We
must be able to explain it.
• We
must be able to give examples and illustrate.
• We
must be able to see in advance the difficulties that our audience might have in
understanding the topic.
• We
must be able to simplify our arguments by using different words (rephrase)
• We
must say only those things about which we are clear.
• We
must encourage questions, suggestions and discussion from audience.
Impediments to clarity
• Accepting
or believing things without thinking.
• Lack
of a sense of intellectual responsibility
• Prejudice
• Strong
emotional influence
¾ Accuracy
Being true to
facts is being accurate. Accuracy is essential especially when we are dealing
with quantitative judgments (related to quantity). Clarity and accuracy are
related, but not the same. ‘Global warming results in weather change’ is a
clear statement but not accurate. To attain accuracy this statement has to be
supported by evidence, justifications and facts. To attain accuracy
• We
must judge and analyse the credibility and reliability of the source of
• We
must be open to doubt and be ready to change our beliefs if they are wrong.
• We
must stop believing in what we wish for as true.
• We
must examine the accuracy of our beliefs by comparing different sources of
• We
must be open to the doubts and suggestions of our audience.
• We
must give the necessary support and explanations for our arguments.
Impediments to accuracy
• Lack
of enough sources to compare and judge for accuracy.
• Feeling
comfortable with our old beliefs leading to unquestioning attitude.
• Generalisations
made on the basis of emotional influence.
• Influence
of culturally or socially held beliefs which are not supported by evidence.
• Strong
influence of print as well as electronic media.
¾ Precision
When we become more specific
without leaving any minute relevant detail related to the claim, we achieve
precision. Clarity, accuracy and precision are related. For example, when a patient tells the Doctor that
he is suffering from fever, his statement is clear. When he says that he has
been suffering from fever for the last three days, his statement is accurate. But when the doctor
asks the patient to keep a temperature chart, he is demanding precision.
Precision is relative and context sensitive. To attain precision
• We
must support our statements with as much details as possible.
• Lack
of specific details must be avoided.
• We
must be very careful while gathering details from different sources.
• We
must take help from our audience to locate places that need further explanation
and invite doubts and suggestions from
Impediments to precision
• Lack
of proper training or special skills needed to gather specific details.
• Considering
things as a whole that prevents us from going into the specific details.
¾ Relevance
When writing or speaking
critically, we must include only those details that are relevant or important to the issue. To attain
this we must understand that the things that are important for us may not be
important for the topic. So we must be able to set aside our personal interest
and concentrate on the topic. Also we must understand that in critical thinking
what matters is not the quantity but the quality of our writing. It is a
misconception that the more we write, the better we write. To attain relevance
• We
must always keep in mind our main topic and see how the details that we gather
are related to the main issue.
• We
must review our course of thinking.
• We
must list out all the main points and the sub points.
• We
must use summaries, outlines and concept maps.
• We
must consider what our audience takes to be relevant to the issue.
Impediments to relevance
• Our
belief the more we write or the more we say, the better is our handling of the
• Our
emotional attachment with certain aspects of the problem.
¾ Depth
detailed analysis of the underlying structures of an issue results in attaining
depth. In critical thinking we must not stop our analysis with a superficial
approach but we must go into the core of the problem. To attain depth
• We
must make a thorough analysis of the problem.
• We
must be prepared to face the complexities that arise while making such an
• We
must use our analytical ability.
Impediments to depth
• Our
feeling of comfort in simplicity.
• Laziness
which prevents us from the hardwork needed for attaining depth.
• Fear
of complexities.
¾ Breadth
When we
consider all the relevant aspects and the
various perspectives of the
problem we attain breadth. To attain breadth
• We
must ask our audience to offer alternative approach on the issue being
• We
must be as exhaustive as possible
Preparing for Critical Writing.
the audience is the first step after deciding on the topic.
Selection of date from relevant sources
This is the second stage in
preparing for critical writing in which we select the sources form where we
gather information. This involves the knowledge of how to evaluate various
sources of information. The important points to remember are
• Whether
the book or article is of general interest (usually not written by experts) or
of scholarly interest (written on a particular topic by an expert on that
• Whether
the book is biased or not. Always choose books that give reliable and
objective information.
• The
background of the author will give you an idea regarding the nature of the
• The
criteria of publication. Always choose books that are published under the
guidance of an editorial board of experts.
• Date
of publication. Always choose recent publications if you want up-to-date
information on a particular topic.
The selection
of relevant information for the topic under discussion is very important. While
doing this we must not allow our personal interests or likes and dislikes to
interfere with the process of selecting relevant topics. Also we must
understand that what you write is more
important than how much you write. (Also see the topic Relevance).
Sequencing of arguments
The selected arguments are to be
organized properly. This is called sequencing. There are mainly five parts for
a critical discourse. They are
Introduction: Introduction informs the audience of the
topic of discussion in advance and ensures the cooperation of the audience.
According to the topic we can choose various types of introductions such as
a) Introduction
inquisitive: Introduces the topic through questions related to the topic
Example: “Does History repeat
itself ?”
b) Introduction
paradoxical: Introduces the topic by using contradictory statements related to
the topic arousing the curiosity of the audience.
Example: “As I type this highly
civilised men are flying above me, trying to kill me.”
c) Introduction
corrective: it introduces the topic by correcting the wrong notions regarding
that topic.
Example: “The peanut is, infact,
a fruit.”
d) Introduction
preparatory: This is an unusual mode of developing the topic.
Example: “Beginnings are apt to
be shadowy, and so is it with the beginning of that great mother of life, the
e) Introduction
narrative: This is how we introduce a story or an anecdote. Example: “Once upon
a time there lived a king.”
of fact: This tells the audience of the circumstances needed for
understanding the topic. This must be simple, short and easy to understand.
This is the main part of the critical writing in which the main argument is
presented and proven. In confirmation, the arguments must be arranged in the
increasing order of their strength, otherwise it will have a weakening effect.
Here we try to break the arguments that are against the argument that we want
to establish. If an opposite argument is received well before we present our
argument, it is better to present refutation before confirmation.
According to Aristotle, a conclusion must
Restate facts and arguments: We must present our
main arguments and the supporting facts in the conclusion.
Amplify the force of one’s arguments and
diminish the force of one’s opponents: We must try to present our arguments
with added strength and weaken the opponents
arguments so that our claim is accepted by the audience.
Inspire through one’s character (ethos)
4. Rouse
appropriate emotions (pathos): At the end of our discourse we must be able to
arouse appropriate emotions in our readers or listeners. This emotional appeal
is the strongest part of a conclusion
Sign Posting
Sign posting is the use of indicator
words to recognise the premises and the conclusion of an argument. These
indicator words are also known as signposts.
For example, ‘since’, ‘because’, ‘for’ etc are signposts for premises. ‘Therefore’, ‘thus’, ‘so’, ‘hence’, ‘then’,
‘implies’ etc are signposts for conclusions.
Writing Conventions
A writing convention is a
general agreement on or acceptance of a particular writing practice. Writing
conventions include spelling, punctuation, capitalization, grammar, and
paragraphing. We can define conventions as a set of generally accepted
standards for written English. We use
conventions to make our writing more readable. Conventions include
spelling, punctuation, capitalization,
grammar, and sentence structure. Students should:
• Apply
spelling rules correctly.
• Use
correct punctuation to smoothly guide the reader through the paper.
• Use
verb tenses correctly.
• Write
sentences that express complete thoughts.
• Demonstrate
paragraph organization and use smooth transitions.
• Capitalisation
should be used correctly.
In addition, each kind of writing has its own conventions.
For instance:
1. Narrative writing must have characters, setting, and plot.
2. Descriptive writing must appeal to the
senses through use of vivid, colorful, precise
3. Expository writing must inform, clarify, explain, define, or instruct.
4. Persuasive writing must present an
argument based on facts and logic, and attempt to sway the reader’s opinion.
I. Objective questions
1. Proper
organisation of relevant points in a critical discourse is called Answer:
2. In a
critical discourse, the main argument is presented and proven in
a) Confirmation b)introduction c) refutation Answer: Confirmation
3. Confirmation should
present the arguments in the
d) conclusion
descending order of strength b)
one after another
ascending order of strength d) as main points
ascending order of strength
4. Scholarly
articles are always written by……………..people.
Expert people.
5. Sign
posting involves the use of
premise b)
indicator words c) conclusion
Indicator words
6. …………….. is not a
standared of critical writing
d) articles
a) vagueness b)
clarity c)
Answer: vagueness.
d) relevance
answer questions
1. What
is meant by the standards of critical thinking?
2. What
are the important characteristics of critical thinking?
3. What
is accuracy?
4. What
is the purpose of introduction?
5. Which
are the parts of a critical discourse?
6. What
is statement of fact?
7. What
should a conclusion do?
8. What
is sign posting?
9. What
is the importance of confirmation?
10. What
is the difference between scholarly articles and general interest articles?
1. Writing
2. Introduction
3. Sequencing
of arguments
4. Relevance
5. Reading
for critical writing
1. Write
an essay on the standards of critical thinking.
Module 3
Objectives: This module will help the student
To learn how to use various resources for
critical writing.
Equip herself with precise academic writing
Academic writing
Academic writing is research based writing
meant for a group of readers looking for fact based, objective information on a
particular topic. It is usually based on a thesis, which is the main idea or
the main perspective of a chosen topic.
Researching resources for writing
Before selecting the resources we must identify our topic or our
thesis as well as the audience for whom
we are writing. Information can be collected from various sources such as
people, magazines or the internet. Research resources can be classified as
1. Interviews: An interview is a prearranged
meeting with a person in which particular questions are asked on a topic to
gather first-hand information on that topic.
2. Print sources: This includes magazines,
periodicals, news papers, books, pamphlets,
Encyclopedias, dictionaries etc.
A good library is the best place to locate all these print sources.
Encyclopedias provide information on various topics. Based on your topic you
can choose either a general encyclopedia like Encyclopedia Britannica or a
specialised encyclopedia like the Encyclopedia of Psychology or the
Encyclopedia of Science.
Indexes to
periodicals are another important print source in which you get a list or
articles organized by subject and author. The Readers' Guide to Periodical Literature
is a reference guide to recently published articles in periodical magazines and
scholarly journals, organized by article subject. The Readers' Guide has been
published regularly since 1901 by The H. W. Wilson Company. Specialised indexes
are also there like Humanities and Social Science Index. These are also
available in soft copies, kept on microfilms. A microfilm is one on which
printed works are copied in smaller size for easy storage.
3. Electronic sources: We can access
information from electronic sources such as T.V, computers, internet etc. There
are a number of computerized databases that provide information on a number of topics.
A database is an organized collection of data for one or more
purposes, usually in digital form There are two online database versions of Reader's Guide available from H. W.
Wilson Company: Readers' Guide to
Periodical Literature which covers 1983 to the present and Readers' Guide Retrospective: 1890-1982.
Using Net sources
While using Net
sources, we must evaluate the credibility and the reliability of these sources.
While most books are published by recognized publishers after careful scrutiny
by experts, internet or website
resources are mostly published without proper editing or review. So, while
using Net sources, we must consider the following:
• Credibility:
We must see
whether the information is provided by a trustworthy source or an author and
what is the author’s credentials. Always depend on an authoritative source, a
source that supplies some good evidence that allows you to trust it.
• Accuracy:
Whether the
information is up to date, factual, detailed, exact and comprehensive. Choose
a source that is correct today (not yesterday), a source that gives the
whole truth.
• Reasonableness:
Whether the information is fair, balanced, objective and reasoned
without conflict of interest or
fallacies. Choose a source that engages the subject thoughtfully and reasonably, concerned with the truth.
• Support:
Whether the listed
sources are properly supported by contact information, proven claims and
documentation. Always choose a source that provides convincing evidence for the
claims made, a source for which you can find out at least two other supporting
Using the library
The library provides a convenient place to
work and an atmosphere that encourages study. In addition it provides you with
up-to-date books, magazines, periodicals and other sources on your subject.
School and college libraries vary
tremendously in terms of the stock they hold. It may be necessary, therefore, to use your local
public central library for research or, depending on where you live, the
academic library of a local university. By getting to know the library you
intend to use the most, you will:
Feel more at home there
Be able to locate the books you want
Be able to settle quickly to your work Finding the book you want
On your first visit ask how the system
works o Does it operate on a card index system
or is it computerised? o Do not be too proud
to seek help especially if the computer programme used is unfamiliar; a lot of
time can be wasted in front of a screen.
2. Books
will be divided into sections and then arranged in numerical order on the
Cataloguing of books is done in three main ways o The
Subject Index tells you where to
look in the library but doesn't list books e.g. Economics 330 o The
Author Catalogue tells you the book
number if you know the author, e.g.
Anderton, A.G. 330.2 o The Classified
Catalogue tells you what the book is if you know the number e.g. 330.2 Economics Anderton, A.G.
While using the library, you must
• Have
a goal to achieve.
• Base
your target on the time available to you - 30 minutes or all afternoon.
• Do
not be too ambitious, it is better to complete a shorter task than to leave the
library frustrated.
• Try
to find a work place that you are happy with, it may be sensible to sit close
to your subject section.
• Avoid
sitting with friends, arrange to meet them at a specified time later for a
break and chat.
• Get
into the habit of using the library early on in your course.
Reading for Writing
Academic writing
demands active and alert reading which will make you better writers. The
following are some of the strategies for active reading:
1. Preview the reading: preview the
reading means having a quick look at the different parts of the book. In this
we are not reading the entire text or article in detail, but we are just going
through the contents of the book to get a general idea of the book or the
2. Use dictionary definitions and contextual
definitions: the use of a good dictionary will help to increase the
understanding of the book. You can use the dictionary to look up the meaning of
unfamiliar words. If you don’t have a dictionary, or if you have no time to use
a dictionary, you can try to understand the meaning of a word from the context
in which it is used. If you know the
meaning of the words that come before and after the unfamiliar word, you can
easily find out the meaning of the unfamiliar word from the context.
3. Annotate the text: While reading, annotate the text by
underlining or highlighting the
important points. Annotating the text can be done by
Underlining important parts
Asking questions
Adding definitions
Making notes in the margins
Expressing agreement or disagreement with the
4. Summarize: after reading try to write a
summary of what you have read. A good summary shows better understanding of the
text. A summary is an abridged (short) version of the main points of the text in your own
5. Use critical thinking to evaluate:
After reading use your critical thinking skills to evaluate what you have read.
Try reading between the lines to understand what is said indirectly in the
I. Objective questions
1. Underlining
the important parts of a text while reading is called………….. Ans: Annotating the
2. ……………….is
a reference guide to the recently published articles in periodicals Ans:
Readers Guide to Periodical Literature.
3. The
main idea or the main perspective of a research is called…………. Ans: Thesis.
4. Academic
writing aims at providing……………kind of information Ans: Objective and fact based
II. Short
Answer Questions.
1. What
is academic writing?
2. What
is the purpose of previewing the reading?
3. What
is a summary?
4. What
is meant by annotating the text?
III. Short
1. Which
are the important sources used in research?
2. How
do we use net sources?
3. How
do we use the library?
IV. Essay
1. Write an essay on the various strategies for active reading.
Background to writing
Writing is a process
because it involves clear steps, starting with the development of a concept to expanding on the basic idea to
revising and polishing the final piece.
Evaluating a Text
Before using any material for writing, you
must evaluate the text by considering the
following aspects
1. Whether
the information gathered is relevant to the topic of research.
2. If
the topic of your research depends on recent information, see whether the
information you got is current or up-to-date.
3. Whether
the text provides objective and right information on the various aspects of the
topic without being biased or prejudiced.
4. Whether
it is reliable.
5. Whether
the information is detailed proven and convincing enough for an academic
Recording the data
In academic writing it
is important that you record and give your readers the exact source of your
information. Therefore you must always cite the source of information. Using
resources without revealing or acknowledging the source is called plagiarism. This is against the
copyright or intellectual property rights. To record the source of your data from printed sources you need the
following details:
• The author
or editor of the book
• Title of
the book
• Name of
the magazine or journal
• Place of
• Publisher
• Date of
• Volume
Exact page or pages where the information is
found For electronic sources, you need
• Author
name if available
• Title of
the article
• Date and
location of original publication if published in print
• Date of
electronic publication
• Page,
paragraph, or section numbers if available
• URL(Uniform
resource locator) enclosed in angle brackets
Note Taking
After selecting
the sources and recording the basic information regarding those sources, you
can start taking notes from those sources for your writing. Note taking can be
done in three ways. They are:
1) Summary: This way of note taking is
useful when you want to get only the main points of the source. While writing
summary, you write only the main points in your own words without repeating the
words or expressions used in the original source. The following are the strategies for summary note
taking • Note
the title of the book and the author’s name.
Write the summary of the entire text in your own words.
Write the main points in the order in which they
appear in the source in your own words.
Maintain objectivity throughout.
Do not make any personal comment or judgment on
any of the author’s ideas.
A summary is not an evaluation or critique. So
don’t use expressions like ‘I think’, ‘in my opinion’, etc.
Make the summary short.
Do not plagiarize. Never repeat the author’s
words or expressions in your summary.
2) Paraphrase: This form of note making is
useful when you want to communicate all the ideas given in the original source
with specific facts and details. When paraphrasing you rewrite the entire
information in your own words without
reducing the content.
While doing this
You must acknowledge the original source.
You can quote words from the original text only
when it uses technical terms with no synonyms (words with similar meaning).
Otherwise, always use your own words.
Reproduce the ideas in the order in which it is
given in the original text.
Never change or destroy the meaning of the
original text while paraphrasing.
3) Direct quote: Direct quote is useful
when it is important to use the author’s own words in your note. Direct quote
refers to the use of the exact words of a source without omissions, changes or additions. While doing
The quoted part must be set off from the rest
using quotation marks.
Example: “Poetry is the
spontaneous overflow of powerful feelings and emotions recollected in tranquility.”
While omitting irrelevant words, this must be
indicated using ellipsis points. (three
periods or full stops with space before and after each period to indicate that
some words are omitted from the original source. If the omission is made at the
end of a sentence use four ellipsis points.)
Example: ‘Poetry is [. . .]
emotions recollected in tranquility.’
If you add your own words in quotation, enclose
them in square brackets.
Example: ‘Poetry [according to
Wordsworth] is the spontaneous overflow of
powerful feelings and emotions recollected in tranquility.’
• Never
use direct quotes as thesis headings or as the main point of a paragraph.
Sandwich quote: while using a quotation in your essay, you must
introduce the speaker of the quoted words as well as his authority concerning
the subject. After this write the quotation and
before proceeding to the next material, explain or analyse the quoted
material. This is called sandwich quote.
Understanding and Selecting Key points
Writing involves
different steps. It begins with selecting a topic, developing a concept based
on that topic, writing the first draft, revising, rewriting and ends with
polishing the final draft. Hence it can be referred to as a process. While
writing you must keep in mind the key points which will help you in proceeding
on the right path. They are
1. Purpose:
Any kind of writing aims at achieving a special purpose or objective. While
addressing a group of audience through your writing, you must be clear about
the purpose of writing. It may be to
Express: you want your opinion to reach the
Inform: you want to inform or let your readers
know something.
Persuade: you want to present an argument to
persuade or make your readers accept something
2. Focus:
While writing, you must be very clear about where to focus. You must know,
which aspect of your writing must be given emphasis and choose your
sources accordingly.
3. Material:
This refers to the content of your writing like facts, arguments, details, evidence etc. this material can be taken from
different sources like your personal
experience, observation or research.
4. Structure:
Structure refers to the way in which you organize your material to support and
establish your argument clearly.
5. Style:
this involves three aspects:
The way in which you organize words and
sentences in your writing.
The correctness of your writing, that is you
must proofread your writing to see whether you have used the correct spelling,
correct grammar and sentence structure as well as the correct punctuation
Using the correct format of writing like margin,
tabs, spacing etc.. Different pieces of writing have different formats and
appearances. (Eg: formal letter appears
different from informal letter). The general lay out of your final draft
including name, title placement, margins and page numbers is known as manuscript format.
The most common format is: double space the
essay on 8.5by 11- inch white bond paper, set 1-inch margins on the top, bottom,
and on the sides of the page, indent the paragraphs, centre align the title and
put your name, class and other details on the upper right corner.
Developing plans from titles
In academic writing or while writing a
thesis, we have to develop a plan from the title regarding the nature of our writing. This is
called thesis statement or the purpose of our writing. It contains the main
point that the writer is going to develop in the essay. It helps the readers to understand the main focus of the essay. The
following are the main feature of an effective essay or thesis title.
It states the subject of the essay clearly.
It includes a controlling idea about the
It uses a specific language and clear words.
4. It
establishes a tone appropriate for the subject and the audience.
Organizing paragraphs
An essay has three parts: introduction, body
paragraphs and conclusion. Introduction
informs the readers of the thesis and gives some basic information about
the topic. Body paragraphs explain the
various aspects of the thesis in different paragraphs. You put an end to your writing by arriving at
a conclusion.
Characteristics of introduction:
An introduction that catches the attention of the readers and guides
them smoothly into the subject is essential for the success of your writing. An
effective introduction has the following
• It
captures the attention of the readers through the use of catchy language and
• It
guides the readers into the subject by giving them a proper idea about the
• It
sets the tone for the entire essay.
• It
states or moves towards the essay instead of deviating from the topic.
Strategies for writing introduction:
1. Hook your audience: use an introduction
that will catch the attention of the readers by
giving them reasons to read the entire essay. There are some
introductory strategies that will help to catch the attention of the readers.
They are
• Background information: give some
background information about the topic as
introduction so that the readers are curious to learn more about the
• Question: Ask a few provocative
questions on the topic as introduction so that they will also start
participating in the thinking process by trying to answer those questions.
• Story or incident (anecdotes):
Narrating stories or real life incidents that are related to the topic or that
will help in introducing the topic will definitely catch the attention of your
readers. But when doing so, make it very short because your purpose is not to
tell stories.
• Statistics, fact, or statement: use
some shocking fact or statistics related to the topic as the introduction.
• Quotation: use an interesting quotation
related to the topic or from the source that you are using for your writing. While doing so remember to cite the source of
your quotation. You can also use generally known proverbs or sayings to
introduce your topic.
if your topic is an unfamiliar one for the readers, begin by explaining or defining the confusing terms so that it is
easy for the readers to follow what you are saying.
• Examples or details: you can introduce
your topic by giving a lot of interesting examples or details regarding the
2. Introduce the subject: While trying to
capture the attention of the readers through the introduction you should not forget to
introduce your subject.
3. Establish a voice and tone: an
effective introduction should establish the voice and tone of the essay. Voice
refers to the personality of the author and the way in which this personality
influences his writing. Tone refers to the writer’s attitude towards the topic
(whether he is serious about what he is saying, or is he trying to be funny
4. State the thesis: the introduction
should also state the thesis or the main aspect of the chosen topic that you are going to write
about in your essay.
Body paragraphs
Characteristics of body paragraph:
Body paragraphs vary in length, purpose and style based on the point you
elaborate in that paragraph.
• One
body paragraph makes one main point.
• It
uses various supportive evidence to develop the point.
• It
must have a clear organizational plan.
• Materials
that are not related to the point explained in a paragraph should not be used.
• Use
accurate and precise language.
• Each
body paragraph should move smoothly from one point to the other logically
following the previous paragraph in style.
Strategies for writing body paragraphs
1. Use topic sentence: Each body paragraph
deals with a main point related to the topic. Hence each body paragraph should
have a topic sentence stating the point discussed in that paragraph. A topic
sentence is the sentence of a body paragraph stating the main idea discussed in that paragraph. This is the
controlling idea of a body paragraph.
2. Signal shift in thought: every change
in the thought process has to be indicated using cue words. Cue words or
transition words are the words or phrases that allow the readers to anticipate
what is to come in the body paragraphs of an essay. This helps the readers to
follow the essay more easily.
• Cue words
used to indicate change in time:
In the past
Eventually etc
• Cue words used to indicate order,
progression,or a series of steps
First, second, third etc
Not only……….. but also
Also etc
• Cue words to indicate contrast or change
In contrast
On the other hand
In spite of
On the contrary
Nevertheless etc
• Cue words to indicate comparison or
Just as
As well
As equally important
In comparison etc
• Cue words for explanation or elaboration
For example
To explain
For instance
To illustrate
In particular
To expand on this etc
• Cue words to indicate emphasis or stress
Without doubt
Above all etc
Cue words to show cause-effect
As a result
Accordingly etc
• Cue
words to indicate conclusion
In brief
In conclusion
To summarize
All things considered etc
3. Avoid the unclear ‘this’ and ‘it’:
while using the pronoun ‘this’ to substitute a noun, use it with a noun to
avoid confusion. For example, in the sentence ‘she placed her notebook on the
table. It toppled to the ground.’ the use of ‘it’ creates confusion regarding
what toppled down, the book or the table.
Solution: She placed the book
on the table. The book toppled down.
4. Repeat important words: To place
emphasis on the main point of the body paragraph, repeat the important words and phrases. If
possible, use substitute words with the same meaning while repeating the main
5. Use parallel sentence structure: Using
parallel sentence structure, that is, the repetition of a sentence pattern is a
good strategy to link similar ideas.
Example: He always wanted to
continue his education. He wanted get a good job. He wanted to look after his
Characteristics of conclusion
1. It
forms the reader’s last impression of the essay.
2. Conclusion
must convey a sense of completion.
3. Never
introduce any new topic or argument in the conclusion.
4. Tie
all the main points of the essay together in the conclusion.
Strategies for Writing Conclusion
1. Offer closure: Use certain words or
phrases that tell the readers that the essay is ending.
2. Frame the essay: An effective
conclusion should bring together the main points of the essay. To write an effective conclusion, use
any of the following techniques:
• Summary: When your essay is longer than
three type written pages, or if it deals with complex or technical matters,
conclude the essay by giving a summary of the main points.
• Recommendation: You can frame an
effective conclusion by giving certain recommendations to the readers related
to the topic. For example, an essay on the effects of smoking can be concluded
with some recommendations on how to stop smoking.
• Prediction or warning: Through
predictions or warnings you can make an effective conclusion to your essay. For
example, an essay on children and their use of internet could end like this
If parents do not monitor what their
children are viewing, it will lead to more
irresponsible and mindless violence in our society.
• Call to action: Calling the readers to
action is a good concluding strategy, since it will inspire the readers to get
involved by doing something about a problem.
• Reference to introductory strategy: An
interesting method of conclusion is to relate it with the introduction, thereby
tying the end to the beginning.
3. Avoid pitfalls: while concluding, avoid
the following errors
• New material: Do not introduce any new
point in the conclusion.
• Apology: Making apologies in the
conclusion will weaken the effect of your
essayu. So, never use expressions like, ‘I may be wrong’, ‘I don’t know
everything’ etc.
Never conclude your essay with a moral or lesson to be learned. Revising and Polishing the Essay
Strategies for revising the essay:
1. Allow time for reflection: After
completing the first draft, never think that you have completed the work. Instead read it again and
try to make it perfect.
2. Use audience response: Ask your
friends, parents or teachers to go through your paper and say what they think
about the essay.
3. Rethink
the draft: Based on the suggestions from your readers, you can think
again and make some suitable changes in the draft.
4. Add to the draft: You can add any
important points, further clarifications or explanations to your essay.
5. Edit: Edit the essay by deleting those
points that are irrelevant.
6. Make substitutions: You can replace an
irrelevant word, phrase or sentence with a
relevant one.
7. Rearrange material: Restructure or
reorganize the essay during revising. It
will result in a more logical flow of ideas.
Strategies for Polishing: Before writing the final draft,
polish the essay after revising using the following strategies.
1. Re-read the revised draft
2. Use various tools like the computer
spell checker, dictionary etc to improve the weak points in writing such as
spelling and grammar.
3. Use peer editing and instructor response to see whether the problems
they detected during revising the essay are solved.
4. Trim and clarify by reading the essay
word by word to add necessary words and clarifications and to remove
unnecessary items.
5. Eliminate wordiness by avoiding the use
of a lot of unnecessary words. For example the sentence ‘a new library is necessary
for the school’ can be rewritten as ‘ The school needs a new library.’
6. Insert cue words to indicate a shift in
the thought process.
7. Proof reading: To read or correct a
piece of writing or printer’s proof before presenting it to the readers is called
proof reading. While proof reading, attention must be given to punctuation and
to the writing mechanics.
I. Objective questions
1. Cue
words are used to indicate……………
Ans: Shifts in thoughts.
2. To
note down only the important points while reading, we use ………….method Ans:
3. To
communicate all the ideas given in the original text to the readers use …………….
method of note taking. Ans: paraphrase.
4. Proof
reading gives attention to……………… Ans: punctuations and the writing mechanics.
II. Short
1. What
is plagiarism?
2. What
is meant by direct quote?
3. What
are ellipsis points?
4. What
is meant by sandwich quote?
5. What
are the important purposes of academic writing?
6. What
are the three important aspects involved in style?
7. What
are the main features of a thesis title?
8. What
are cue words?
9. What
is proof reading?
III. Short paragraph
1. What
are the points to be considered while evaluating a text?
2. What
are the details needed for recording print as well as electronic sources?
3. Summary
4. Paraphrase
5. Direct
6. Key
points for writing
7. Introduction
8. Body
9. Conclusion
10. Cue
11. What
are the strategies for revising and polishing the essay?
12. Strategies
for note taking
IV. Essay
1. Write
an essay on the different parts of an essay?
2. What
are the strategies for writing introductions, body paragraph and conclusion?
3. What
are the preparatory steps involved in the writing of an essay?
Punctuation: Punctuation is one of the most basic elements
of writing that helps in conveying the idea properly. It helps the readers to
understand what the writer wants to communicate. The following are the important punctuations used
in writing
1. Comma(,): Commas are usually used to
separate items in a list. Eg: she wanted to buy some rice, vegetables, milk and
• It
is used: To separate two independent
clauses connected by a coordinating
conjunction such as ‘for’, ‘and’, ‘nor’, ‘but’, ‘or’, yet and ‘so’
(FANBOYS). Place to comma before the
Eg: I want to go out, and meet
my friend.
• After
introductory words or phrases to set off the introductory word.
Eg: Walking with his father, the boy thought about his
• Before
and after any non-restrictive word, phrase or clause which are not essential to
the meaning of the sentence;
Eg: My wife, Reema, is coming
today. (The non-restrictive word ‘Reema’ is not essential to the meaning of the
sentence. If it was restrictive, that is essential for the meaning of the
sentence, do not use commas.)
• Between
adjectives that modify the same noun.
Eg: She is a smart, intelligent
• To
set off a noun of direct address from the rest of the sentence. Eg: Sheena,
please open the window.
• While
using quotations, insert comma after the introductory words. Eg: He said, “
this is a strange thing.”
• Do
not use commas with short quoted words like, he called his brother a ‘genius’.
• With
dates and place names. Eg: January15,
2. Semicolons (;): This is used to
• Separate
two independent clauses that are closely related but are not joined by
conjunctions. Eg: The weather was bad; it caused many inconveniences.
• When
items in a series have commas within them, semicolons are used to separate different items.
Eg: you will have a reading
test, based on a topic; a written test, which will be of one hour duration; and
an oral test.
• To
separate independent clauses when the second one begins with adverbs like
however, nevertheless and therefore.
Eg: This task is very difficult
to accomplish; therefore, you will have to work hard.
3. Colons (:):
• To
introduce a list.
Eg: she called out the following
names: Raji, Robert, Sreya and Nimmi.
• Colon
is not used with ‘to be’ verbs.
Eg: The book’s defects are: its loose plot, its length and its improbable
ending. (Do not put colon after ‘are’)
• To
introduce a direct quote when the introductory words form a complete statement.
Eg: The product has the following
warning on the bottle: “Harmful if inhaled.”
• To
introduce a word, phrase, or a clause that explains or summarizes the first part of the sentence.
Eg: She went for the interview with a single
thought in her mind: to get that job.
4. End punctuation:
A) Period/ full stop (.): this is used to
end a sentence. It is also used with some abbreviations (B.Sc.).
B) Question mark (?): this is used after a
direct question. A question mark appears
inside the quotation if it forms part of the quotation.
Eg: what is your name?
He asked, “what is your name?”
mark (!): it is used in case of highly emotional language to show surprise or extreme
happiness. Eg: Watch out for the
5. Apostrophes (’):
This is used in contractions, words in which
letters have been omitted. Eg: can’t, don’t etc
Do not use it while showing possession.
Eg: the cat licked its paw. (no
apostrophe after t in ‘its’)
To form the possessive form of a noun use an
apostrophe and ‘s’ to singular nouns whether or not they end in ‘s’. add only
an apostrophe to plural nouns ending in ‘s’.
Eg: Reena’s book. Men’s rest room.
Waitress’s house
Students’ day celebration.
It is not used with possessive pronouns.
Eg: the new car is hers.
6. Quotation marks (“ ”) (‘’):
Single quotes are used to indicate to set off
some ones exact words. Eg : He said, ‘please pass the butter.’
Quotation marks around a word is used to
indicate that the word is used in an
unusual sense.
Names of articles, poems and chapters are
included in quotation marks.
Double quotation, marks are used for quotes
within quotes.
Eg: Satish argues that ‘the very
notion of “modular” western nationalism is thrown open to doubt.’
6. Hyphens (-):
• Used
to form compound adjectives that come before nouns. Eg: well-constructed
• Used
in spelled out numbers and fractions.
Eg: twenty-three, one-third
• Used
to form compound words. Eg: non-violence
• Used
to divide a word at the end of a line to break the word. Never break a one syllabled word.
7. Dashes: there are two types of dashes,
em dash, which is longer and en dash which is shorter than an em dash but
longer than a hyphen. Em dash is used
• To
show a sudden break in thought.
• To
set off information that is less important than the rest of the information but
too important to enclose in brackets.
• An
en dash is used
To indicate ‘to’ or through’
within a range of numbers.
8. Parentheses ( ): this is used to
• Set
off comments that are less important than the rest of the sentence or that
which provides additional information. Eg: Please call me (004672348) when you
come back.
• When
a complete sentence is enclosed within the parantheses, full stop, question
mark and exclamation mark go inside the
9. Brackets( [ ]): it is used
• to
enclose explanatory comments within a direct quote. Eg: the commentator reported, ‘He [the president]
denied all charges.’
• Use
brackets with the word ‘sic’ to indicate a spelling or grammatical mistake made
by the speaker while using direct quote. Eg: he said, ‘I am very [sic]
10. Ellipsis points (. . .): ellipses or three
evenly spaced periods indicate that some part of the material has been left
out. This is used within brackets. Eg: Wordsworth said, ‘Poetry is the
spontaneous overflow of powerful feelings […] recollected in tranquility.’
If words are omitted at the end of the quoted
material use four instead of three ellipses points.
For non-quoted material, use ellipses marks
without brackets to show a thought that is interrupted or incomplete.
Writing Mechanics: The smaller details of writing such as the
use of capital letters, italics, abbreviations, numbers etc are referred to as
the writing mechanics or style.
Capitalize the first letter of the first word of
every sentence.
Capitalize all proper nouns like place names,
product names or names of people, days of week, month and holidays, adjectives
formed from proper nouns etc.
• Capitalize
the titles of books, stories, poems, novels, articles etc as well as the names
of companies, various institutions etc.
Use numbers for dates, page numbers, street
numbers, telephone numbers, measurements and hours of the day or night when
used with A.M or P.M. Eg; 2 A.M.
Use numbers rather than words for numbers of
three or more words. Eg: 346 people got
killed in the attack.
Use numbers if a sentence contains several
numbers. Eg: the basket contains 3 apples, 40 mangoes and 6 oranges.
• Use
number if a sentence begins with a number.
Referring verbs:
These are the words used to summarise
what the other author has said, argued, concluded, proved and so on. The most
common patterns of using referring verbs are
• Referring
verb + that + noun clause(subject + verb).
Eg: Sudhir concluded that ……
Common verbs following this pattern are admit, agree, argue, acknowledge,
assume, assert, believe, claim, conclude, consider, decide,
deny, determine, discover, doubt, emphasise, explain, find, imply, infer, note,
reveal, suggest, think etc.
• Referring
verb + something/somebody + for + noun clause/gerund. Eg; Pandey faults Misra
for uniform sampling.
Common verbs following this pattern are applaud, blame, censure, commend, criticize,
fault, thank, praise, ridicule etc.
• Referring
verb + somebody/something + as + noun/gerund/adjective. Eg: Govind portrays his
research figures as authentic.
Common verbs following this pattern are appraise, assess, characterize, classify,
define, depict, describe, evaluate, identify, interpret, portray, present,
refer, view etc.
Methods to Develop an Essay:
Different topics
demand different style of writing. The following are a few formats or patterns for writing essays. You have to decide and choose which pattern
suits your needs.
¾ Narration: Narration is a format
suitable for recounting an event or a series of events having public or academic importance. In
narration, we describe the events in chronological order (in the order in which
it occurred) specifying the details regarding place, time as well as the people
involved. Before starting narration, decide the purpose of describing an event
so that you can choose the relevant details as well as give some background
information for the readers to follow the narration in a better way.
¾ Cause and Effect: When you want to
describe the way in which you plan to do something, why you are doing that and
what you expect as a result, you can use process and cause and effect style of
writing. Process refers to the way in which you are going to do something (how
you are doing it), cause refers to the reason for doing that (why) and, effect
refers to the result (what). Based on your topic you can choose either the
process style (if you want to say how a procedure is performed) or the cause
effect style if you want to show the connection
between why you did something and what results from it. Eg: Cause and effect form of writing shows
the relationship between two situations. eg: Too much rain leads to flooding.
¾ Comparison and classification : This
style of writing is used when your purpose of writing is to:
Organize information.
Clear understanding.
Making choices and
4. Highlight
qualities of a subject in more detail.
If you want to choose one item from a list of similar
objects, you can use
comparisons/contrast style to decide which is the best one. For
instance, when you want to buy a car, you compare and contrast the features of
all cars available in market to choose the one that suits you.
¾ Description and Definition: This style of writing is used when you want
to clearly communicate your observations
about something to your audience. Though
both are based on observation, these differ in certain ways.
Uses all the details that
Uses only the essential
individual can observe using his senses- see, smell, feel
characteristics of the object.
is a detailed
is a statement of the
explanation regarding all
nature of a subject, or the
features of an object. It is usually long.
distinguishing features only.
Characteristics of
It focuses on observable objects.
It uses sensory details.
It relates the details in a particular order
suitable for the reader to understand, using cue words to indicate transition
from one detail to the next.
Description conveys two kinds of information
factual information related to the subject. Here the purpose is to communicate the facts related to the subject
impression of the subject. This is subjective information regarding the feelings and impressions created by the
subjects rather than the factual
¾ Discussion or argument: When trying to
persuade an audience to accept your views on a controversial issue, you can use
discussion or argumentative writing. While using this, use controlled and
reasonable expression and analyse all the aspects of the issue. This style of
writing is appropriate for the subjects which are
b) Which
can be supported by evidence
The arguments that are against the topic can be
d) Has
logical appeal.
While writing an argumentative
essay, you can use the following types of evidences.
1) Facts
- information held to be true.
2) Statistics
– a list of numerical facts
3) Expert
testimony – Statement by experts
4) Charts,
graphs,tables etc. to provide numerical information.
5) Examples,
illustrations or models.
6) Personal
7) First
hand experience. 8) Observation.
The following topics are not
suitable for argumentative writing.
: data regarded as true.
: Personal likes or dislikes.
: Ideas that each individual consider as true.
4) Impossibilities : Situations that are
not possible in the real world.
Thus subject or
opinions that can be debated or having more than one side or stands, especially topics of public concern can be
used for argumentative writing.
Elements of effective writing Cohesion
Every piece of
writing is intended to convey some idea to the readers. To do this
successfully, your writing must be cohisive ie. clear, readable and comprehensible
with sentences linking logically
together, forming a unified whole as a paragraph. To attain cohesion, you must
solve the following issues.
1) Fragmentation: A fragment is an
incomplete sentence. A sentence which doesn’t convey a complete meaning. To
make a sentence complete, it must have a subject and a verb and should convey
an independent meaning. For example, the sentence ‘had fever yesterday’ is
incomplete or fragmented since it has no subject. You can solve the problem by
adding a subject. ‘Ravi had fever yesterday.’
2) Run - ons and comma splices : When two or more
sentences are written together without any punctuation in between them we have
a run-on.
Eg : She is a smart girl she got first rank.
A common splice is two or more
sentences linked by commas instead of using periods or full stops.
Eg : She is a smart girl, got
first rank in her school, went for higher studies.
Five methods to solve run-ons and comma
periods or full stops. Begin the sentence after period (full stop). Use capital letters after the period.
Reema is a smart girl. She got the first rank in school.
2. Use semi colon to break a long
Eg: A boy came forward to present the
paper; he was encouraged by his friends and
Use a
comma and coordinating conjunction: for, and, nor, but, or, yet, so. (conjunction is used to join two independent clauses.
While using coordinating conjunctions, use
comma before the conjunctions.)
Reema is a smart girl, and she got first rank.
Use a
subordinating conjunction such as after, although, because, before, if,
since, when, where, while etc.
Eg: When I returned home from work last
night, someone had already made dinner.
Use a
relative pronoun such as that, which, who, whose etc.
Eg: This is an interesting book which deals
with the topic of global warming.
3) Faulty parallelism: Expression of
similar thoughts in different ways in a sentence results in faulty parallelism.
Eg : The
marathon went along the avenue, over the bridge and into the park.
4). Mixed construction: when you fail to
relate your thinking process properly with your writing, you make mixed constructions.
Eg: I wondered
was she the right girl for me. (I wondered if she was the right girl for
These are words having the same or
almost the same meaning as another word. This can be used in academic writing
to avoid repetition of the same words and thereby to make your writing
Introduce, initiate, implement, launch etc. are synonyms.
Eg: The government introduced the new policy. The newly initiated
policy was a success. Writing
with visuals:
Visuals help us to convey ideas more quickly and more
effectively. Pictures, tables, maps, graphs, pie chart, flow charts, and diagrams
are commonly used visuals in writing.
Figures and tables:
These are used to summarise information.
Pie chart :Used
to show properties or relative percentage.
Graph: To show
the relationship between two variables.
Bar diagrams: To
show and to summarize comprehensive data.
Map : To show
I. Objective questions
1. ……………helps
a reader to understand the writer’s idea properly Ans: Punctuation.
2. …………punctuation
is used to form compound adjectives that come before nouns Ans: Dashes
3. To
write about the purpose and result of doing something …………style of writing is
Ans: Cause and effect.
4. ………
is used for organising information.
Ans: Comparison and contrast.
II. Short Questions
1. Which
are the important end punctuations?
2. Which
are the two types of dashes?
3. What
is meant by writing mechanics?
4. What
are referring verbs?
5. What
is meant by cohesion?
6. What
is fragmentation?
7. What
is meant by faulty parallelism?
III. Short Paragraph
1. End
2. Capitalization
3. Narration
4. Cause
and effect
5. Difference
between description and definition
6. How
to solve the problems of run-ons and comma splices
7. Cohesion
8. Writing
with visuals
IV. Essay
1. Punctuations.
2. Methods
to develop an essay.
3. Writing
4. Different
styles of writing an essay.
A -
Module 4
Objectives: This module will help the student
To practice accuracy in writing.
Get acquainted with different writing models
Abbreviations: Abbreviations are the shortened
versions of words and expressions widely used in
English to increase convenience and to save time. The
following are the main types of abbreviations;
1. Shortened words: This method is also known as clipping. In
this one or more syllables of a word are omitted to form the short form which
later becomes the common vocabulary.
Examples: Phone from telephone.
Bus from omnibus.
Taxi from
from refrigerator.
2. Acronyms: These are words formed from
the initial letters of words. Unlike the
shortened words, these acronyms do not usually replace the original
word. In academic writing always use the original word when mentioning it for
the first time with the acronym in parentheses. Eg: National Bank for
Agriculture and Rural Development (NABARD). In some cases the acronyms are
pronounced not as a single word but as individual letters as in IBM for
International Business Machines Such acronyms are called alphabetisms . Other examples are
USA - United States of America.
NDTV - NEW Delhi Telivision.
UN -
United Nations.
United Nations Educational, Social, Cultural
3. Others: Another category of
abbreviations are the shortened latin phrases like N.B ( nota bene meaning ‘ note well’ or ‘note’), i.e (id est meaning ‘that is’) and etc. (et
cetera meaning ‘and the rest’).
Sometimes a
single acronym will represent more than one expression. Eg: STD stands for
‘Subscriber Trunk calling’, ‘Sexually Transmitted Diseases’ and ‘standard’.
Some common business abbreviations:
Chief Executive Officer
Gross Domestic Product
Vice President
Multi National Corporations
World Trade Organization
International Monetary Fund
Business Process Outsourcing
Social Responsibility
Abbreviations used in academic writing:
For example
and others (used to cite names of multiple
figure(for labelling charts and graphs)
the same place( to refer to a source mentioned immediately before)
that is
‘opus citatum’/opere citato’ meaning the
work cited.
with reference to
Doctor of philosophy.
Master of Philosophy
the referred page number
and a few pages ahead.
Adverbs: An adverb is that which adds quality
to the verb. It can also modify an adjective or another adverb. For example
She wrote beautifully.( beautifully is
the adverb describing the manner of writing)
She is a really good dancer.( really
modifies the adjective good)
An adverb usually provides
information regarding
1. The
manner in which something is done/takes place (she spoke clearly).
2. The
time of an action ( He died recently.)
3. The
degree to which the effect of an action is felt( it rained considerably.)
In academic writing, adverbs
are used
1. To
introduce a new thought or add more details to previous point.
2. To
reflect variations of time and manner.
In English, many words form
their adverbs by adding -ly after the
word. Eg: quickly, slowly, beautifully etc. but words like very, fast, hard, too, up, down, well, late etc. do not take –ly to
form their adverbs.
1. The
number of women MPs has increased ……………..across the country. ( significant)
Ans: Significantly
2. He
tried………….to find a job and ……… one (hard, eventually) Ans: hard,
3. He
entered the room…………(quiet) Ans: quietly
4. Do
you…………..feel nervous (usual) Ans: usually
Articles: In English,
we use articles before nouns. There are two types of articles in English, definite article and indefinite article.
Definite Article: ‘The’ is the
definite article used in English. It is called definite article because it is
used with a definite noun, i.e. the noun with which the listener or reader is
familiar with. It is used
1. Before nouns of which there is only one
which are considered as one. Eg: the earth, the sun 2. Before nouns which have become definite
as a result of being mentioned a second time. Eg: His car struck on a tree. You
can still see the mark on the tree.
3. Before
a noun which, by reason of locality can represent only one. Eg: she is in the
4. Before
a superlative. Eg; she is the tallest
girl in the class.
5. Before
a singular noun used to represent a class of objects. Eg: The cockoo is lazy.
6. Before
the names of seas, rivers, chains of mountains, groups of islands, plural names
of countries, names of musical instruments etc. Eg: the Atlantic, the flute, the USA
Indefinite Article: ‘a’ and
‘an’ are the indefinite articles in English. ‘a’ is used before nouns beginning
with a consonant sound or a vowel sound like a consonant. Eg: a man, a
university. ‘an’ is used before words beginning with a vowel sound or with a
mute ‘h’. eg: an hour; an egg. It is
1. Before
a singular noun which is countable, when it is mentioned for the first time and
represents no particular person or thing. Eg: a girl is standing there.
2. Before
a singular countable noun when it is used as an example of a class of
Eg: A palm tree is usually very
3. In
certain numerical expressions like a couple, a dozen etc.
4. In
exclamations before single countable nouns. Eg: What a hot day!
It is incorrect to use ‘a’ and
‘an’ with plural or countable nouns. Eg:
a papers is wrong usage.
1. Is
there a market nearby?
2. I
bought a new pen. The pen writes well.
3. A peacock was seen in the park.
4. The project reports are in the drawer.
Caution: While writing academically, you must be very careful
or cautious in the use of words and expressions. In academic writing, we are
often trying to find out answers for various issues. There are problems for
which there is no completely right or completely wrong answers. For some
problems, it will be possible to give more than one explanation. In such cases
always use a cautious style of writing
that allows you to give alternative solutions instead of reaching at simplistic
or wrong conclusions. For example the sentence ‘lack of proper education leads people to crime;’ is an incorrect
statement since the lack of education is not the only reason for people
committing crime. This statement can be re-written with caution as ‘lack of proper education is one of the
reasons for leading people to crime.’ Or as ‘ lack of proper education
often leads people to crime.’ The following words can be used for cautious
style of writing:
• Verbs:
tend, appear, seem, indicate, suggest, think etc.
• Modal
verbs: may, might, could, would, must etc.
• Modal
adverbs: probably, possibly, perhaps etc.
• Causes:
it may be said, it may be inferred, it might be suggested, the study indicates
that etc.
Conjunction: These are words that link or join words, phrases
or clauses. There are three types of conjunctions. They are:
1. Coordinating conjunctions: these are used to combine words, phrases,
clauses or sentences of equal importance
or status. This process of combining words, phrases or clauses using
coordinating conjunction is called coordination and the sentences thus combined are called compound sentences (a
combination of two independent parts). The important coordinating conjunctions
are for,
and, nor, but, or, yet, so etc. (together they can be written as
Eg: Bread and butter.
He worked hard, so he passed.
It was not very easy to do, but he managed to
2. Correlative conjunctions: The
conjunctions that are used in pairs are called correlative conjunctions. They
are either/or,
neither/nor, not only/but also, both/and etc. Eg: He is neither a poet nor a painter.
3. Subordinating conjunctions: these
conjunctions are used to connect dependent clauses with independent clauses.
This process is called subordination and the sentences thus combined are called complex sentences. The
important subordinating conjunctions are
because, when, if, although, since, that, unless, as, in order to, so
as to, so that etc.
Functions of conjunctions:
1. As
word connectors. Eg: John and Jack are friends.
2. As
phrase connectors. Eg: All his activities and his character makes him popular.
3. As
sentence connectors. Eg: They are
playing and we are watching.
When combining more than two
words, phrases or clauses using a conjunction commas are used with the earlier
ones and use the conjunction with the last one.
Formality in verbs: In academic writing it is always better to
use formal verbs or words to provide a
formal tone to the writing. For example,
the sentence ‘ The SSA was established to improve
access to primary education.’ is
preferred in academic writing to the sentence ‘The SSA was set up to improve access to primary
education.’ because of the use of
the formal verb ‘establish’. Also single verbs are preferred to prepositional
verbs in academic writing.
Eg: The process should be done again and again
to achieve the desired results.
This sentence can be re written as ‘The process should be
done repeatedly to achieve the desired results.’
Modal verbs: Modal auxiliaries or modal verbs are words that
express the mood or the attitude of the speaker. These are different from
auxiliary or helping verbs (is, are, was, were, has, have, had, does, do did
etc.) which help the main verb by conveying additional information like the
number or tense. Modal verbs express ability, necessity, advisability,
possibility, and probability. The modals in English are can, could, will, would, may, might, must, shall, should, ought to,
have to, used to, supposed to, dare, need etc.
Modals conveying ability: ‘Can’ is used to convey ability in the
present and ‘could conveys ability in
the past. By adding ‘not’ to this modal we can make it negative.
He can sing.
I could sing when I was young.
Modals conveying necessity: ‘have
to’ and ‘must’ is used to express necessity.
must go there.
has to appear for the test.
‘must’ is not
used to express necessity in the past , instead use ‘had to’ She had to appear for
the test last week.
Modals conveying advisability: ‘should’ and ‘ought to’ convey
regret for not taking good advice. ‘had better’ conveys warning or threat and
‘need to’ express strong advice.
should meet him tomorrow.
ought to have met him yesterday.
had better see him before he leaves.
You need to meet him today itself.
Modals conveying possibility: may, might, could.
may rain today.
could reach there by 10 AM
To express possibility in the
past use may/might/could + have + past participle of the verb.
could have studied yesterday.
Modals conveying probability: must is used to convey probability or
a well informed guess.
must be the person I am looking for.
Modals conveying preferences: would rather. (would rather + have +
past participle of the verb to show past preferences.)
would rather study today itself.
Modals conveying plan or
obligation: supposed to, should, ought to.
was supposed to meet them.
Modals conveying past habit: used to.
used to live in kozhikode.
1. You
…………..called yesterday.( ought have, ought to have) Ought to have
2. Judging
by the size of the puddle outside, it …….(must be, must have rained, should)all
night along. Must have rained.
Language: People
living in different nation are known by different names and they speak different languages.
The United States
The Netherlands
New Zealand
New Zealand
New Zealanders
Nouns: A noun can be defined as the name of a person, place or
thing. Some words function as nouns as well as adjectives in different
Eg: This bottle is made of plastic. (the word ‘plastic’ functions
as a noun here)
This is a plastic bottle. (Here ‘plastic is an adjective describing the noun
Adjectives: Adjectives are words that refer to the
qualities of people, things or ideas, or group them into classes. These are
words that modify or describe a noun. When an adjective is used before the noun it describes it modifies that
noun and is called attributive. Eg: a blue
flower. (the word ‘blue’ is the adjective modifying the noun flower.) .
Some adjectives are used after the noun as complements, completing the meaning
of the sentence and is called predicative. Eg; The test was positive.
Countable nouns: Countable nouns refer to people, places or
things that can be counted. They can be made plural, usually by adding‘s’ or
any other plural endings. Eg; Student-Students,
Child-Children. Some words have the same form for singular and plural.
Eg: deer, sheep.
Uncountable nouns: Uncountable nouns are those which cannot be
counted like food, beverages, substances
or abstract nouns such as feelings, emotions etc. Eg: sugar, air, biology etc.
So the uncountable nouns can be converted to countable nouns by adding a count
frame like two litres of milk, a bar of soap, a loaf of bread, an item of
furniture etc.
Some nouns can function as countable as well
as uncountable nouns. For example the noun ‘experience’ is uncountable when it
refers to the skill gained by observing or doing something. But it becomes
countable when it refers to particular instance or instances pf participation.
(experience, experiences).
Eg: Food and drink: beef, beer, milk, oil,
tea etc.
Non-food substances: air, cement, wood, ice etc.
Abstract nouns: advice, anger, beauty,
poverty etc.
Others: biology, clothing, traffic,
news etc.
Passives: The same idea can be expressed in two different ways
using active voice and passive voice. Active voice means the subject is
carrying out the action. This is the more natural and common way of writing in which the subject
(the person thing performing the action) is given importance.
Eg: The police took three
Passive voice is usually used for giving
emphasis to the person or thing acted upon (object) rather than the subject. It
is stronger than the active voice and is preferred in academic writing to avoid
the excessive use of ‘I’ or ‘we’. The passive voice is possible only when the
verb is transitive, i.e. when the verb takes an object.
Eg: Three suspects
were taken by the police. Passive voice
is used
• When
the subject is unknown. Eg: the murderer will be hanged.
• When
the action is more important than the performer. Eg: The house was struck by lightning.
• For
stylistic variation.
• To
emphasise the result than the cause.
Exercise: Change into passive:
1. I
verified my results thoroughly- My results were verified thoroughly by me.
2. I
write a letter- A letter is written by me.
3. I
am doing her home work - Her homework is being done by me.
4. I
have completed my work - My work has been completed by me.
5. He
constructed a new house- A new house was constructed by him.
6. The
child was playing a funny game- A funny game was being played by the child.
7. She
had finished her work- Her work had been finished.
Prefixes: Prefixes
are part of a word that comes before the base or the root word. They add to or
alter the meaning of the base word, but do not change the part of speech of the
root word. Eg: market- supermarket.
• Prefixes
like un-, in-, dis- are negative prefixes giving negative meaning to the words
to which they are attached. Eg: likely-unlikely, possible-impossible etc.
• Prefixes
like pre- and post- add the sense of before and after. Eg:
pre-independence, post-colonial etc.
• Prefixes
like micro-, macro- convey the sense of big or small. Eg; macro Economics.
• Other
common prefixes are under-, over-, multi-, ex-,re-,co-, sub-, auto-, anti-,
fore - etc.
Suffixes: suffixes are attached at the end of the words. They
are of two types, inflectional suffixes and derivational suffixes.
• Inflectional
suffixes do not form new words.Eg: boy- Boys. • Derivational
suffixes form new words or change the part of speech of a word. Eg: Happy- Happily, Child-Childhood, Act-
Action (Verb to noun).
• They
add to the positive oe the negative meanings of the words. Eg: Hope + ful =
Hopeful, Hope + less + Hopeless.
1. He
……………his friend.(estimate) Underestimated
2. Recent
researches show that…………… the cause of rise in crime.( employ) unemployment
3. One
has to pay higher tax on a…………property.(commerce) Commercial
4. The
changes are …………. (manage). Manageable.
Prepositions: A preposition is used to
modify the meaning of words . the word preposition is a combination of two
words, pre + position. It used with a noun, pronoun, a nominal or a syntactic
construction to express its relation with the other words of the sentence like
the verb. Eg: He came at five.( ‘at’ expresses the time relation of
the noun with the verb.)
He is standing between John and Reena.
( ‘between shows position relation)
Prepositions used with some verbs
Be accustomed to
interested in
Be acquainted with
be known for
Be composed of
be disappointed with
Be concerned about
be married to
Be divorced from
discriminated against
tired of
be pleased with
be located in
be made of(or from)
Be excited about
1. He
is fond of music.
2. He
is about to go.
3. Success
depends on how you work.
4. The
earth goes round the sun.
Preposition after verb: Also known as
phrasal verbs (verb+ preposition, break into) are widely used in spoken and
written English. In academic writing it is better to use formal verbs. Exercise
Fill up with suitable verbs and
1. College
expenses in the USA start to add up before
you enroll.
2. The
research will be carried out in three
3. This
department specializes in Chemistry.
4. The
people need a government they can rely on.
Pronouns: The pronoun that takes on the function of a connective
word or combine clauses in a restrictive sense, continuative sense or in some
other sense are called relative pronouns. These are also called conjunctive
pronouns since they combine clauses and they are subordinators.
Eg: This is the boy who has
stolen my pen. In this sentence two clauses are combined using the relative
pronoun ‘who’ in a restrictive sense, that is , the ‘boy’ is being defined by the clause following the relative pronoun ‘who’(I am
talking about that particular boy who has stolen my pen). Hence we have a
complex sentence. Now consider the example ‘Jack, who is an engineer, has built
this bridge.’ This sentence can be re written as ‘Jack is an Engineer and he
has built this bridge’. Here we have two independent clauses combined by ‘who’
in the continuative sense. Hence we have a compound sentence and we use commas
to separate the clauses. The important relative pronouns are who, whose, whom,
that and their forms.
Tenses: There are mainly three basic verb tenses, present
(enjoy/enjoys) past(enjoyed) and future(will enjoy).
Present tense: In the present tense, most verbs take –s or –es
endings for third person singular and no endings for first person singular and
plural forms.
Eg: I play
She plays.
They play.
Forms of verb ‘be’:-
First person:
They are
Second person:
You are
Third person Forms of do:
They are
First person:
They do
Second person:
You do
Third person
Forms of have:
He/She/it does
They do
First person :
They have
Second person:
Third person
He/She/it has
Past tense: In the past tense verbs fall in to two categories,
regular verbs which have-d or –ed endings in the past tense( kick-kicked,
walk-walked) and irregular verbs which do not take –d or – ed endings in the
past tense( go-went, write-wrote).
Form of have: In
the past the form of have is had.
Form of
do: did Forms of Be:
First person :
They were
Second person:
Third person
He/She/it was
Future tense: All verbs form their future tense by adding the helping verb ‘will’ to the main
verb. Eg: will be, will go, will do, will have etc.
Time words and phrases: Time words and phrases are used to
link a period with a verb.
Eg: for - indicating a period of time.
I have been working for the
last five hours.
Since - a point of time (usually with present perfect tense).
She has been living here since
Before- The
players will be selected before May.
Till- end of a period
The library will function till 5
Ago- used with the past
She came here two years ago.
I. Objective questions
1. Words
that add quality to the verb are called Ans: adverbs
2. Adjectives
modify……….. Ans: nouns
3. Words
formed from the initial letters of words are called Ans: acronyms
4. We
are from Italy. We are……
II. Short Answer Questions
1. What
are acronyms?
2. Why
do we read to exercise caution in academic writing?
3. What
is the purpose of using passive voice?
4. What
are prepositions?
5. Which
are the different types of prepositions?
6. What
are conjunctions?
III. Short paragraph
1. Abbreviations
2. Modal
3. Conjunctions
4. Prepositions
5. Relative
6. Passives
7. Articles
8. Tenses
IV. Essay 1. Write
an essay on accuracy in writing.
Formal letters: These are letters that you write to people
other than your friends and family such as professional organizations,
institutions, or any other public bodies for official purposes. Formal letters
are usually formatted in full block style with all the parts aligned to the
Format / parts of a formal letter:
1. Sender’s address/ letter head: write
the name and address of the persons who is sending the letter on top left of
the letter.
2. Date: Write the date on which the
letter is being written or sent. The recommended format is alphanumeric as in 3
November 2011.
3. Reference: If the letter is in any way
related to any previous communication made with
the person or institution to which the letter is being sent, mention the
reference number of that communication for continuity. It is usually labeled as
‘Ref:’ followed by the number.
4. Receiver’s number (if any): Name,
Address and designation of the person or organization to whom/which the letter is
being sent.
5. Subject line: Mention the purpose of
the letter in one line against the label ‘Sub’.
6. Salutation: Use ‘Dear’ or ‘Respected’
followed by the title(Dr. Professor, Mr., Ms etc.) and the surname of the
receiver. If the name is unknown write ‘Dear Manager’, ‘Dear Director’ etc.
7. Body: Write the content of the letter.
8. Closing: Conclude the letter with
‘yours truly’ or ‘Yours sincerely’.
9. Signature: Sign the letter and below
the signature write or print your name in upper case (capital letters).
10. Enclosure notation: If you are sending
any other documents with the letter, give a list of those documents against the
label ‘Encl’.
Dr. Vinayak
St. Thomas
PH: 08231473
22 June 2010
Ref: B3/005
dated 23 March 2010
Dr. Mahendra
Purchase of medicines.
Dear Dr Kumar,
I hereby
submit the details regarding the medicines purchased during the month January.
Encl: List
of medicines purchased.
Curriculum Vitae/ CV: A resume/cv/bio data/personal profile,
qualification sheet/summary is a self introduction by an individual regarding
his background, achievements and experience to
promote himself, in which he
highlights the qualification, experience or achievement he has for a particular
position and empasizes his strengths. It should contain
1. Personal
2. Education
3. Experience
4. References
While preparing a CV
1. Mention
those areas that need emphasis in the beginning like education or experience.
2. Give
personal details towards the end just above the reference since the employer
will be more interested in education or experience than in a person’s
3. Give
the full contact details of at least two persons, who are not your friends or
relatives, from whom the employer can collect details regarding the
4. Never
write ‘no experience’ in your CV.
5. The
highest qualification should be placed first.
6. While
writing about experience, begin from the present position and then highlight
other senior positions held.
7. The
CV of a fresh graduate should be neither too long nor too brief. One page is
the ideal length. Experienced candidates can prepare 2 to 3 pages.
Covering letter/Application Letter: This is an interview request
written to your potential employer,
asking for action, in such away as to gain his attention and interest. It has
three parts.
• First paragraph: Identify objective or
goal exactly. In this paragraph specify the job you are applying for and how
you came to know about it.
• Second paragraph: Give sufficient
evidence of your ability or qualifications for the position briefly without
repeating what is written in the CV.
• Third paragraph: Ask for an interview
A covering letter
must be brief and neatly prepared on a page of about 21cm by 29.5 cm.
while preparing a Covering letter, follow the
important principles of writing such as
• Coherence
• Concreteness
• Simplicity
• Emphasis
• Originality
• Sincerity
• Empathy
• Convention
Remember the following points
while preparing a covering letter
• Don’t
use the present employer’s stationery • Don’t
beg or ask for favour.
• Don’t
be unduly humble.
• Don’t
write too many ‘I’, ‘me’, ‘my’.
• Don’t
sound casual.
• Don’t
• Don’t
criticize the present employer.
• Don’t
repeat CV details.
• Don’t
say that you are qualified for a post, instead give details regarding your qualifications.
are several styles for writing a CV. A
Chronological format is outlined below:
Job Objective; Personal Profile;
Specialization; Education; Scholarships/Awards; Interests and Achievements;
personal Objective; Strengths; Work Experience; References.
Designing and Reporting Surveys: According to the Longman
Dictionary of Contemporary English (LDOCE) a survey is a ‘set of questions that
you ask a large number of people in order to find out about their opinions and
behaviour.’ It helps researchers to obtain facts needed for their studies.
Through surveys we can collect information regarding the actual status of a
thing at the time of study. The major limitation of a survey is that its
findings are valid only for the present and not for the future.
Instruments of Survey: Survey is
usually done using written questionnaire and personal interview. The major tools used in survey are
questionnaires, interviews, check lists and
Questionnaire: A questionnaire is a set of questions that are
written in order to collect maximum factual information from the respondents
about their habits, attitudes, views, rating, liking and so on of the object
under study. The questions are selected and sequenced according to the data
needed. A questionnaire is usually treated as anonymous.
Guidelines for creating Questionnaire: The language used in the
questionnaire must be simple, clear and exact.
1. Do
not ask such questions for which the respondent may be annoyed.
2. Don’t
ask contradictory questions.
3. Avoid
questions with built-in answers like ‘would you like your wages to be
4. Ask
reasonable number of questions.
5. Assure
the respondent that the information will be treated as confidential.
6. Ask
simple questions in the beginning and then move on to the difficult ones.
7. Enclose
a brief letter explaining why a person is selected to answer the questionnaire
and giving instructions regarding how to answer the questions.
8. If
the questionnaire is mailed, send a self addressed duly stamped envelope for
the respondents to send their answers.
9. Assure
the respondents that the findings of the survey will be shared with them.
10. Mention
the date of submission of the survey findings as well as the date by which they
have to send their responses.
Seminar papers: According to LDOCE, a seminar is ‘a class at a
university or a college for a small group of students and a teacher to study or
discuss a particular topic.’. It has the following parts:
• Title: it must be brief and exact.
• Your name: Below the title, write your
name, class, roll number and other details.
• Abstract: LDOCE defines an abstract as
‘a short writen statement containing only the most important ideas in a speech,
article etc. The ideal length of an abstract is 200 words. It has the following
details :
The statement of purpose/problem
• Text: every piece of good writing will
have a proper beginning, middle and end. While writing the text remember to
cite the sources used for writing.
• References: document or cite all the sources used for
writing the paper.
Project reports: A project report is usually submitted at the
end of an academic year on a project completed in an industry or company under
the supervision of a project supervisor from the industry and a faculty from the concerned institution.
This must be coherent, organized and
standardized. A project report
appears in the following order:
• Page
1: Cover page with project title, details regarding the person doing the
project and course title. At the bottom
left corner of the page write the name, designation and the organization of your industry supervisor and
the name, designation and institution of your faculty on the bottom right
• Page
2: Title page where you write the title of the project and the details
regarding industry supervisor and faculty as written on the cover page.
• Page
3: Certificate of approval signed by the faculty examiner and the project
• Page
4-5: Approval of organizational and faculty guides.
• Page
6: Abstract stating the topic, scope, method and conclusion using about 800-1000 pages.
• Page
7: Acknowledgment regarding the help received from various people and
organizations for doing the research.
• Page
8: Table of contents.
• Page
9: List of figures.
• Page
10: List of tables.
• Page
11: List of appendices.
• Page
12: Abbreviations.
• Page
1: chapter 1
• Page…Last
• Page…Reference
• Page…Appendices.
Documentation: Documentation, also known as citing sources, is
a writer’s indication in an accepted format that he/she has used words, ideas
or information from another source or sources. It establishes the credibility
of a writer. It is usually done in two styles. MLA (Modern Languages
Association) format is used for languages and APA (American Psychological
Association) format is used for social sciences.
MLA format of Documentation:
Single author:
In-text citation :
Write the last name of the
author followed by the page number(s) in parantheses immediately after the
Eg: According to the author
globalisation, has it own merits and demerits (Sen 54).
If the author’s name is already
mentioned in the sentence, write only the page number.
Eg: According to Sen
globalisation has it own merits and demerits (54).
While citing the same author
for the second time, mention only the page number in parantheses.
End-text: Further details regarding the in-text citation is given
at the end of the text in the list of works cited or references. The format for
end-text citation for a single author is
Name of the author in the
reverse order. Name of the text in italics. Place of publication: name of the
publisher, year of publication.
Eg: Sen, Reetha. Globalisation. New York: OUP,2006.
Books by two or three authors:
In-text: Use the last names of all the authors separated by comma
followed by page number in parantheses.
Eg: According to three critics, ‘Dickens was always an
observer of detail.’ (Bentlen, Slater and Burgis 98).
End-text: In end text citation only the name of the first author is
Eg: Bentley, Nichols, Michael
Slater and Nina Burgus. The Dickens Index.
New York: OUP, 2002.
More than three authors:
In-text: For more than three authors, use the last name of the
first author followed by the expression meaning ‘and others’.
Eg: As commented by several
writers………… (Jones 76).
End-text: Use the name of the first author in the reverse order
followed by
Eg: Jones, William. The Psychology of Love .New York:
Article in magazine:
In-text: text followed by the last name of the author and page
number in parantheses.
Eg: Franklin was unpredictable
(Ellis 56)
End text: Name of the
author. ‘name of the article.’ Title of
the magazine. Date of publication:
Page range.
Eg: Ellis, John. ‘Franklin’s
Cop-Out.’ Time. 22 june 2004:56-58.
Article in magazine (unknown author):
In-text: Name of the article and the page number in parantheses. If
the title of the article is a long one, use only the first few words.
Eg: According to an
essay…………..(‘The Dangerous aspects of’ 65)
End text: The Dangerous Asprcts of Global Warming.’ Newsweek.24 August 2008:65-68.
Work within an anthology (collection of works by different or the same
End-text: Name of the author who is being quoted. ‘Title of his
work.’ Title of the Anthology. Ed.
Name of the editor. Place of publication: name of the publisher, Year: page
Eg: Gaines, Earnest. ‘Why I
Write.’ African American Writers. Ed.
Charles Winston. San Fransisco: Riverdale, 1996:23-30.
Indirect sources: If what is quoted is itself a quotation, use the
short for qtd. Before citing the
indirect quote.
In-text: According to Raseka……(qtd. in Bray 56). ( Raseka’s words
quoted by Bray in his book).
End-text: Bray, Marcus. The
Global Warming Crisis. England: OUP, 2007.
Rules to remember while doing documentation:
1. Reference
list is alphabetically arranged.
2. The
author’s name is written in the reverse order, i.e. last name first followed by
the first name. Name of additional authors are not reversed.
3. Use
hanging indent.
4. Name
of the books, magazines, newspapers etc. are italicized and the important words
are capitalized.
5. Titles
of articles are enclosed within single quotees.
6. While
citing a journal, the issue number and the volume number must be included. Year
of publication appears in parantheses followed by a colon and page range.
7. While
citing electronic sources, the date assigned in the source and the last date of
access must be included.
Electronic and non print sources
End-text: ‘Title of the text.’ Detailes of original publication
with date. Date of last access<URL>. (Uniform Resource Locator)
Eg: ‘Planning Trips Through the
Net.’ Times. 23 April2003. 12 June
End-Text: Author’s name. ‘Subject line if available. ’E-mail to…..
.Date of message.
Eg: Jamison, Dr,Anne. ‘Answers
to Backpain.’ E-mail to John.1 July 2010.
Material from CD-ROM:
End-Text: Name of the author. ‘Title.’ Title of the CD-ROM. Place
of publication: Name of the publisher, year.
Eg: Netherland, Clarissa.
‘Union issues on 23 Campuses.’ EPSO Host.CD-ROM. Los Angeles:OUP,2003.
Personal interview:
End-Text: Name . Personal interview. date.
Eg: Saigussa, Hironi. Personal
Film or video:
End-Text: Name of the Film.
Dir. Name of the director.Perf. name of the performers. Name of the production
company, Year.
Eg: Mr Smith Goes to
Washington.Dir.Frank Capra. Perf.James Stewart, Claude Raines.MGM, 1946.
I. Objective Questions
1. A
formal letter is written for ……………purpose.
Ans: official purpose.
2. ………….is
a self introduction by an individual. Ans: CV
3. Questionnaire
is tool used in …………. Ans: Survey
4. The
format followed for documentation in the case of languages is………. Ans: MLA
5. …………
an interview request.
Ans: Covering letter.
II. Short answer questions
1. What
is a CV?
2. What
is a covering letter?
3. Define
4. What
is survey?
5. What
is questionnaire?
6. What
is documentation?
7. What
is a project report?
8. What
are the tools used for survey?
III. Short paragraph
1. Guidelines
for creating questionnaire.
2. Parts
of a formal letter.
3. CV
4. Principles
of writing covering letter.
IV. Essay
1. Documentation.
Module 5
Objectives: this module will help the student
(i) Give the students guidelines for
effective presentations.
Academic presentations are of
great importance in our day to day life. Different types of topics demand
different types of presentation. To make effective presentation we need to
acquire certain soft skill that include an awareness regarding our audience, the
use of proper language, the use of visual aids as well as time management.
This is the key to begin a
presentation. The method of presentation depends on the audience whom you are
going to face.
Primary audience
Primary audience are those who
listen to you directly when you make presentation. They are your formal
audience whose age, culture, education, and economics decide the nature of
your presentation. They carry your
message to a larger group.
Secondary audience
Secondary audience are the
opinion leaders and decision makers. Through your primary audience your ideas
reach your secondary audience. Opinion leaders are responsible for the
political, cultural or religious opinion of your primary audience. For example
in the case of a business presentation,
they can be the directors of a company. Decision makers are people to whom your
presentation is going to reach based on which they decide whether to accept
your ideas or not. Your friends and family who help you design your
presentation are also your secondary audience.
To decide the suitable presentation method, you need to
identify the purpose or objective of your presentation, whether it is to
persuade or to inform. Academic presentations are usually a combination of both. Before you start your
presentation, consider the following points.
1. Language: Use a language appropriate to
reveal your idea
2. Trimming the presentation: Delete
unnecessary information.
3. Ice breaking: An ice breaking session
where you collect information about your audience and establish a rapport
through some group activity will help you to identify your objective.
4. Choosing the appropriate medium: Based
on your objective, you can choose any of the
following medium
Hand outs: They help to
explain complex theoretical issues as well as to provide source materials.
Working activities:
It helps you to make your presentation interactive by making people do things.
Video presentation:
when addressing global audiences spread across different parts of the world
video conferencing is the best medium. While doing this, try to make your
presentation interesting by using slides, visual aids, video clips etc.
1. Surprise and grab attention in the
beginning: begin your presentation in such a way as to grab the attention
of your audience. You can begin with an interesting quote or a surprising fact.
Using a surprising fact as an opening line is called Von Restorff effect.
2. Repetition: Repeat your main ideas to
remind your audience of its importance.
3. Summarizing: Keep summarizing each part
of the presentation so as to link it with the
following parts and try to draw the audience attention to the important
section by using attention drawing expressions like the main idea is, in the
other words etc.
4. Effective conclusion: Conclude your
presentation effectively by using quotations, summaries, or by asking
STRUCTURING THE PRESENTATION: The most appropriate structure for
any presentation is that of listing the main ideas and then elaborating the
points. A logical ordering of the different parts of your presentation is an
essential aspect of any presentation. For example, a presentation of 30 minutes
can be logically structured as follows.
3 minutes: Begin the presentation by stating the main idea to help the
audience know the subject of presentation.
Main body
15 minutes: Here you elaborate your main idea by presenting the finding of
your survey and your data analysis to convince them.
2 minutes: Here you conclude by giving a summary or by emphasising the main
argument of your presentation.
and answers 10 minutes: This part is meant for audience interaction where
you invite questions and suggestions
from your audience and try to answer their doubts seriously and honestly.
VISUAL PRESENTATION AIDS : Visual presentation is useful where you
want to:
1. Present
statistical and numerical data
2. Present
diagrams or topics related to arts, design or any subject which involves
display of material.
3. Present
or introduce a new data or plan
4. Present
comparison of facts and figures in graphic or diagrammatic form.
5. Present
new interpretation of old data.
1. Seeing
things improves ones understanding of those things.
2. We
respond easily to what we see.
3. It
will promote the interest and attention of the audience.
4.A lot of information can be
presented within a short time using visual aids.
5.It saves time.
6.It increases
the effectiveness of the presentation. How to Use Visual Aids:
1. Do
not use too many visuals.
2. Use
one visual for one main point.
3. Prepare
the visuals in bold and clear letter so that it can be seen by persons sitting
at the back.
4. Do
not use too many words on a single slide.
5. Write
single words or short phrases on the slide.
6. Use
various colours to highlight various points.
7. Try
the method of revealing one point at a time if you have written more than one
point on the slide.
8. Number
the slides and rehearse the presentation to avoid confusion.
9. While
showing the visual aids explain their purpose and content.
10. Keep
it displayed for a sufficient period of time for the audience to read and note
it down.
kinds of visual aids:
1. Boards: A board is a primary aid
used in classrooms. It can be either black or white. While writing on the
board, it is better to divide it into parts for writing down points, for doing
calculations as well as for drawing figures. The writing must be bold and
clear. Clean the board when you end the presentation.
2. Flip chart: While making presentations
for a small group of 15 to 20 people, you can use a flip chart which is a large
pad of paper on a stand. Advantages of using flip chart are:
They can be prepared in advance for presenting
diagrams, graphs or charts.
They can be used for prompting you. You can
write the main points faintly in pencil and use it during the presentation.
It can be used for creating, presenting and
recording audience’s feedback at the end of the presentation.
Flip chart, which can be written using water
soluble ink can be used repeatedly.
3. Overhead projectors (OHP): This
is the most commonly used visual aid. This can be used while speaking to the
audience with a prepared transparency of bright, large and colourful image
projected on the screen. It is better to use a transparency with neatly and
clearly typed matter.
How to prepare transparencies:
1. Make
it clear and visible.
2. Write
one point on one transparency.
3. Do
not include too many points or diagrams on a single transparency.
4. Write
a maximum of eight lines of six words (48 words) on a single transparency.
5. Use
different bulletins to make main points and the sub points.
6. Place
the information at the centre.
Points for using OHP
1. Check
that the projector switches are working.
2. The
projector lens and the projection surface must be clean.
3. Adjust
the focus to get the brightest and the largest image.
4. Switch
off the projectors between the visuals.
5. Keep
the fan inside the projector on while showing the visuals.
6. Use
a pointer or a pen or pencil to point to the transparency.
7. Unfold
the points one by one.
8. Look
at your audience while making presentations.
4. Power point
projections: With
the advent of computers, the OHPs are being replaced by power point
presentations in which images and information are projected using a multimedia
projector. In this entire presentation is prepared in the form of a floppy disc
or prepared directly in a laptop and is
projected using an LCD projector. While making power point presentations,
ensure that the place where you are going to present has enough size,
ventilation and seating arrangement.
• Clarity and
persuasion: To
make your presentations clear
1. You
must understand your topic well.
2. Use
simple and appropriate language.
3. Establish
a friendly relation with your audience.
4. Structure
your presentation properly.
5. Use
examples and illustrations that can be understood by the audience.
6. Use
audio visual aids effectively.
• To make your presentation persuasive
1. Use
clear and accurate statement of the topic.
2. Give
logical explanatios.
3. Give
only the relevant details.
4. Try
to appeal to the audience’s emotions.
5. Give
real life examples.
Non verbal
communication: While making presentations, it is important to
consider how you present yourself in front of the audience. Non verbal
communication (communication without
using language, such as body language, expressions, actions etc.) is
equally important. Hence give attention to the following aspects while making
Your appearance.
Maintain positive posture.
Maintain eye contact.
Use positive gestures(actions) and hand
Do not stand fixed. Move between the screen and
the audience.
Smile and be relaxed while answering the
for Effective Presentation:
1. Tryto
involve your audience in the presentation and encourage their participation.
2. Prepare
and perform well and be confident.
3. Don’t
speak in a low feeble voice.
4. Don’t
shout, which will make you sound angry.
5. Maintain
eye contact to arouse audience interest.
6. Be
simple and clear.
7. Ask
interesting questions to the audience.
8. Invite
volunteers from audience for role play.
9. Stand
close to the audience so that you are fully visible to them.
10. Avoid
stage fright. 11. Visualize the successful end of your presentation.
Opening and
Opening: This is
a very important stage of the presentation. While beginning your presentation,
try to arouse the interest of your audience within 30 to 40 sec. You can do
this by doing the following:
1. Have
a pleasant expression on your face.
2. Maintain
a positive and confident posture.
3. Ask
questions to the audience.
4. Narrate
an incident that will arouse their curiosity.
5. Use
stories or interesting statistics.
Closing: While closing the presentation 1. Give s summary of
the presentation.
2. End
it positively.
3. Call
for action.
Management: Time management is very important for the success of any
presentation. To observe the time limit strictly
1. Plan
and organize the presentation properly.
2. Try
to limit the speed of your presentation between 110 to 120 words per minute.
3. Give
equal importance to the discussion and the solution of the problem.
4. Time
should be given to the audience to ask questions or to give their suggestions
to make them feel that they are the active participants of the presentation.
5. Organize
the arguments well in advance.
6. Make
swift transitions.
7. Make
an impressive introduction.
8. Be
I. Objective questions
1. ………………becomes
the key to the beginning of presentation.
Ans: The audience.
2. The
formal audience of presentation are refered to as Ans: The primary audience
3. The
decision makers of a presentation are……………
Ans: The secondary audience
4. The
part of a presentation in which you gather information regarding your audience
is Ans: ice breaking session.
5. ………………is
the appropriate medium for addressing a global audience. Ans: Video
6. Beginning
a presentation with a surprising fact is called……………. Ans: Von Restorff effect.
7. ……………
aprimary visual aid used in classrooms.
Ans: Board.
II. Short Answer Questions
1. Who
are the primary audience of a presentation?
2. Who
are the decision makers of a presentation?
3. Who
are the opinion leaders of a presentation?
4. What
are the main objectives of a presentation?
5. Which
are the important visual aids used for presentation?
III. Short Paragraph
Techniques of effective presentation
How do you choose the appropriate medium for the
How do you structure a presentation?
Advantages of using visual aids
Clarity and persuasion in presentation
Nonverbal communication
Time management
IV. Essay
1. Write
an essay on the various visual aids used for presentation.
2. Write
an essay on the various soft skills needed for effective presentation.
1. Anderson,
Marilyn, Pramod K. Nayar and Maducchanda Sen. Critical Thinking, Academic
Writing and Presentation Skills. India: pearson, 2010.
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